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March 8, 2013

Hi blog family!

another snow day...OMG!! be grateful we have a weather change!! And even if your in a group home, you have heat!! Many countries lack that one thing we need in cold weather...HEAT!! so be happy and make snow men today...or woman!! lol..

Today I want you to know that God loves you SO much, he has SO much in store for you, if you just keep faith and holding on!! Do YOUR part: go to school, stay away from trouble...drugs, negative people, places and things...and Write down your goals and dream!!! if you don't write them you can't believe as much...WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU WANT in this life!! Don't think you have to wait until you "get to heaven" to be rich or enjoy THIS life now!! God wants you to enjoy everyday and be kind to others while doing it!!!

Write down your goals
find out what you need to complete them; school, $, counselor etc...
EXECUTE!! this is the number one reason for failure, we don't follow through with our plans!!

NO one can stop you but you! God made NO mistakes and he made you to be as perfect as you can be as a human... rise up and be the best you - Today!!!!

have a great week and know you are loved!!!xo
