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June 30, 2010

What do you want to be, now, not when u grow up!

Hi blog family!! Ex- model and my baby brother!

Reminder: did you go to and vote for my video: transitional house- type in my name Tanya Cooper for the vid to come up!!!
Arizona was fun and I delivered a message that I know Arizona got: "foster kids who leave foster care without transitional housing may end up in the system via court, jail, rehabilitation, homeless or the morgue!
Why? Because when you leave, you may not be ready to go into that big world yet, some of you may.

I just winged it...I went off to Paris to model and got lucky, but many will not know how to seize the moment, that is why I go around speaking, looking for kids that were clueless like I was when I was young!

Many of you are joining gangs, thinking this is family love--NOT!! remember gangs only claim territory and colors - they don't claim your body when you get killed!!
 They claim everything YOU own but they don't sign over their claims in a will, when they die do they?? think about it-
 ganging is wack! I do understand why they are so popular,
I don't understand why they don't teach you how to better yourself and not hurt others or how to get a business that is legitimate,
that would be love,
but that is not what you get in a gang- you only get high, labeled, stupidurrrr, (yes that's my word), and dead!! ( no offense to those already in but you need to GET OUT- just change you cell, change your school, stop your FB- change to a new name that none of them knows!! 
There is always a way, and if not...still go to school, do your homework, get an education!! you have no future with gangs! ask the biggest gangters--even Gotti, LUcas-Gigante-!!
 If I can get you to think of NOW not will be ok... speaking of...
Do you know what you want to be?
Yes, I did not say when you grow up on purpose, you know why? BECAUSE YOU SHOULD BE WRITING, PLOTTING AND PLANNING WHAT YOUR FUTURE JOB AND LIFE WILL BE NOW!!!
During slavery often masters (people in charge of slaves), would tell the slaves they will get their gold when they get to heaven....NOT..your heaven is right here, right now!
If you missed my speech in Ohio- you are the cinderella's, the knight and shinning armour, the prince charming, no one will be coming to rescue you, but YOU!! Your are "IT",  you are what the world has been waiting for.
Sit down with your counselor or worker, write down your short term goals: 
what you can achieve now..
.example: you can go to school and go to class- your long term goal: to go to acting school. what would you do to get there?
start taking drama classes at school,
join the acting club,
join in any plays- all most all schools put on plays, (if yours don't = go talk to the principle), (but first get a petition, (a bunch of signitures from classmates who want to do the play to)...
be in as many plays as you can,
go to the community center,
anywhere someone is putting on a play..
then you plan to go to community college and study theathre or save all of your money from jobs in highschool and apply to a acting workshop that is known in your area- the point is start doing the little things now, for the big goal later.
You can do this, why? 
Because you are smart, loveable and the best kid around.
Beleive in you and everyone else will start!

Ok, enough,
 how is your summer so far??
OMG, because I am traveling around the country speaking to you, life is great.
 It will be a year since my brother died July 10th...
I thought I could not make it anymore BUT, I found out God made me stronger than I thought and because of kids like you, I will fight to live harder, longer and to save or change a life- help me by not only reading the blog, but tell you friends and try to encourage them to live a GOOD life a life full of events and purpose. 
Please don't forget you are so important to this world, you may be the one to save or change a life today...I know you have changed mine-
 My brother is smiling, knowing that I am healing through you!
Thanks and your are loved and special xo Tanya

June 25, 2010

Time to change the face of foster care!!

Hi blog family Ex-model former foster kid here! School is finished! 
Big up to you al, great job finishing! 

I know you will enter your next grade with excitement--this is a time for new and will do better by being better...getting up on time, to class on time, with homework done, getting a tutor if you need it, smiling every time you wake because you have a secret--YOUR THE "LADY GAGA" of the moment--it's about you and your life!! Now, not later, you can have heaven NOW...plan your next step today!!

Now have a great summer and hit me if you need any advice....yea, yea, i am working on bringing more teens to the sight..just worry about you!!! smile, change or save another kids life..and please be a good role model...someone in the group home looks up to you and wants to be like you have to do big things!!! xo

I have been busy trying to change the face of foster care! 
Please go to  and vote for my video -Tanya Cooper-"Transitional House"- a show idea i had for a while. 

I am hoping to be picked because while I always wanted to be a tv host (late night)--my calling is helping people see the big picture. 

I don't want
another foster kid to kill themselves, like my friend did at 18, because they had no love or was abused,
 I don't want no foster kid or former foster kid to be "depressed, homicidal or suicidal-
 I want no one to feel the pain I felt when my mother never came back
when my foster brothers abused me 
and when my brother died and I felt like I had no one left but my kids, (which is alot)....

I want Everyone who leaves foster care to leave feeling empowered,
 grateful to be alive and share their wisdom, as to save or change a life, knowing that we are blessed because we could have been Lisa Steinberg or the baby aborted or thrown in the trash....
 I want Everyone to ENJOY THIS LIFE, now, knowing that you are special, loved and if you ENJOY you and THIS life....and help a few others on the was all worth it!

Please vote for me, I don't care about the fame, recognition on a personal note, I only want to change the face of foster care, so that every child in care or leaving knows, they can do it too!!

I love all of you who have come to this site, you are special, loved and remember to smile, you may save, change or help a life today!! 

June 24, 2010

never too late??


just a message : never let me hear you say you can't or it's too late, it is never to late and there is NOTHING that you can't do-if you want to!!
you are specail, loved and highly favored...go smile, make someone's day!!

June 22, 2010

think of the things you DO want, not what you dont..

Hi blog family!
I was watching the dvd "the secret"..please watch it, i heard they even had one for teens, ask your counselor to get it for will change your life...
Today is a lesson on energy: 
Focus on all the things you want, not what you don't want in your life.
If you want the bully to stop bullying you...start thinking, I have alot of good friends and everyone respects me....NOT OMG the bully is coming for saying that you bring the bad things to you...only think of the GOOD you want...
not the bad...your energy will create whatever you are thinking and taking action on....
so only let it be for good...i get good grades, I am popular, i love my life and it only gets better, money comes often...get the point, focus on what you want!!!

here is some advice...(and please watch the dvd..10 times!!!) you have to live eat and breath positive energy if you want good things in your life..only you can attract them!!
stop being around negative people, places and things if you want good, be around and do good!!

LISTEN when it's time to take ACTION!! this is the number one reason for failure on your plan, you don't listen to your instinct..(also could  known as the universe or your spirit guide).
 The "thing" that tells you an idea, (write a book, make a piece of jewelry like no one else, sing like no one else, clean like no one else, organize..etc), this thing inspires you to do whatever your gift is better than anyone else and you end up creating something amazing....only to ignore it...
for example: everyone says you have the best voice..and you wrote songs that everyone likes....problem: your friend wants you to be in his band...but you make excuses and never join....they become big and genereate money from you lost out because you did not listen to you, (this is only one example).
Point: you must take action when your instinct is telling you to do something creative- sing, write,  dance, organize, invent, create, travel, --even if your life is not going where you want it to go--CHANGE IT!! You are a teen, but that is not an excuse...start by going to class, getting the tutor you need, doing homework, being kind to people, loving yourself and treating yourself well...

June 19, 2010

Father's Day?

Hey blog family!

I was on bedrest, but I am back! Sunday is father's day...I know your thinking..."but I don't have  a dad!"
I guess if you are in a  home, chances are you don't , unless your their because you did not go to school... I want you to think about what a father is and what his role is in a house.
One day you will be a dad and I want you to be a better one than your dad.
 I still want you to respect your parents because they did birth you and thanks to them, the world can be a better place---if you do what you need to do to improve your life and then help others like you!
The only time I would NOT have respect for my parents or anyone is when they abused me, physically, verbally or mentally! Abuse is NEVER acceptable!

Back to dad's....if you have a dad that was not good, don't sweat it---you can get through life without one---ask the president and all those before him--including our ancestors during slavery, all the kids who lost their dad's to a are not alone.
Society sometimes makes us feel bad but it does not matter why your dad is not here, he is not...BUT there is always role models you can pick in your community who you rhink you would like to be like--not because they make tons of money or have a big house or car or they are famous, but because you see them out with their kids, playing in the park, talking to them about life and everything else, you see them give their kids a hug and say they love them, you see them helping other children and taking care of his family.
 this model dad is a man who works hard and enjoys life and his family and or friends..... this could be anyone you respect...look for a good model, let them know you need a mentor..
Only a man can teach you how to be a man, but you can always find a role model. If you  know someone you respect Sunday, wish them a happy father's day.
 Don't be sad on this day, think about the kind of dad you will be and what you will want for your family:: Peace, love, prosperity, health and happiness!
Think of good things Sunday-even if you don't have a dad! Reflect, (think) of the type of  Good dad you will be one can start now by going to classes, only dating girls who go to classes and has future dreams..but you have too much homework to think about dating right???
 xo Tanya
ps. did you check out this site was created just for us, go

June 17, 2010

Speak up for yourself!

Hi blog family! 

As a foster child I am sure you were not allowed to have to much of an opinion. I often had to listen to adults make decisions for me, adults who did not know me at all! 
Now that I am older I have learned- You are the best speaker for you!
When something is bothering you.
 When someone is bothering you. 
When a situation is making you think way too much---SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF!!!

Often, people will take advantage of quiet soft spoken people because----they know they can!
 If you are known as a person that will not sit and "take it"  are more likely to have less people using, manipulating, or walking over you.
This could apply to a situation: example: your counselor always want you to serve the kids at your table for the holidays---and you hate it or did it because you knew you were a faster server than the other kids and you wanted to please your counselor
Example solution: tell your counselor you are NOT serving this year but you will help if needed (or you would like to rest this year). when you say it, say it firm and factly---not like you are not sure.. speak with a voice of sureness not in a tone that will make them charm you into doing it after all. If there is a problem- write a letter to the next person up--you are not a "server" that is an option not a must!

example: Your friends want you to pay for snacks at school---and you do most of the time... 
example solution: tell them BEFORE lunch: let them know you are only bringing $ for yourself and you will not be paying for their snack!
 Stick to your guns, don't feel SORRY for your broke friend, that is her issue, not yours, snack is a leisure  not something to survive, let them buy their own  junk food, you are not their caretaker!!

It may feel strange speaking up for yourself after years of letting your agency or even a controlling family make decisions for you but you have to learn--yes you can learn to take charge and make your own choices: Here is how to start speaking up for you!
1. When you are faced with making a decision--think it through, take a walk or sleep on it, (if you have time). What is good if I do or don't do? how will it effect me: good/bad? can I live with this choice?

2. Practice!
Every chance you get--make a decision or voice your opinions or concerns--you can do it without yelling, being mean or bossy. In fact if I am telling someone "NO" or why I cannot do something, I try to say it in a calm, low, solid voice. If they respond yelling, I walk away or let them know i am not the one to talk to in that can make your own choices--without anyone's help, top executives do it all the time! Even if the choice was not the greatest--live with it and learn from it--the world did not end because you made a error?? next....
3. Listen to your 6th sence or inner voice!
when you hear a voice or your heart tells you what to do--do it! 
Don't 2nd guess and don't ask for anyone's advice if you want to learn to make YOUR own decisions!
Your 6th sense is your "gut" feeling. Often we don't listen to it as kids or adults and that is probably why we never listen to it later, often causing us hardship later: ( bad divorce..when you first met your ex--someting told you not to date him--you did anyway! and now..divorce.. when you got in trouble...something told you not to go to that place or be with that friend...but you did and got in trouble or was injured because you went.... LISTEN to your gut, instinct, 6th sense, whatever you call it, it usually will not lead you wrong!
4. Confidence! Have confidence in you and know that only you know what is good for you! If you are mentally challenged, this may be tough and you may need help but barring that fact, You are in charge of You!...
ahoy captain!!!xo Tanya

June 13, 2010

How The Secret works

Larry King Interviews Oprah on The Secret

what you think, will be..

hi blog family!

Monday is another day! Off to school and on with your new life of positive thinking. Read or watch "the secret". It is by Rhonda Byrd and others. What you think is what your life will be. You can arise from ANY situation IF you change your thinking....

June 10, 2010

Arizona?? Hitler? Racism? SLavery? Love all??

Hey blog family!!
no I did not forget about you, in fact, I am always thinking of what kid is checking my blog, (or adult)

I have many things to say to you, always food for thought and always with love for ANYONE who enters!

I want you to google what is happening in Arizona today...the powers that be want to put up a fence for illegal immigrants AND put them in tents!!!! *(#@**)^% Ok forgive me but do you know what that means?
Do any of you know about Anne Frank or slavery? if you don't PLEASE go on google tonight or youtube what happend during the holocaust! This is a must if you are going to be a seeker of knowledge in life!

ANYWHO, what happend only happend because ALL people (power and no power), sat by and did nothing!!
You are a person of change, you are our future leaders! Don't ever let any of your friends tell you why ANOTHER culture is worse than theirs! 
I know they may say aweful things like: "they are taking our jobs, or " this place is not the same" or "I can't get any help because they are getting it all"....these are just some of the racist excuses I have heard from ex associates---I  stay away, throw away people who talk like that---you think!!!

You cannot associate with people who think bad and say horrible things about someone just because of their culture or language. Usually people with small minds think like this and it's because they have never traveled or been around other cultures so they are scared someone brighter--or more resourceful than them may take something of theirs---that is a lie!!
 No one can take what God has for you! Ever! If he wants YOU to get that will...if he wants you to learn patience..he will teach you...whatever God has for you, NO man or woman can take away...including life!
That's why some people who were in the holocaust years ago, are still alive...Hitler tried to kill all jews But thank God, that was not the plan GOD had! They wanted slaves  dead or to be servents we have a "black" president"....that was said to be impossible...and I am NOT cosigning on any politics...BUT i am trying to show you a point...what God has for you, no man can take--repeat it, learn it!!! It was said, (google who said it),
"one who does'nt learn from history, is bound to repeat it"

God made us ALL for a reason, no one is "better" than anyone else and remember: ALL americans, came here speaking another language, (even if they were kidnapped from Africa or were "orginially" here like the Indians, (sioux, cherkee etc...)
 So no one is all American anyway, that is a lie....if you search your roots back to your great grand parents, parents, (unless u are really young), you will find American is a Nationality NOT a culture!!!

google what i am saying...and understand i am giving you an early lesson so that you won't be "that kid" that said something or did something agree with the politician in Arizona that wants to put up tents for illegal immigrants!!
How would you like it if we had slavery again or potatoe famine or the great depression...where everyone was broke and hungry??? don't think because you are not an illegal alien, (which  i hate that term, they are not from space, they are why call anyone an alien unless they are from another planet? "America is the "melting pot".....
Mexico is so close, that is why people come in such high numbers, people may come to make a better life for themselves, can you blame them or ANY person that comes to this country to have a better life? 
If you had a family to feed and you only got .10 cents an hour and worked 13 hours a day...would you stay if you knew there was a place you could make more money AND have better living conditions?

 I would leave in a heartbeat!!! Don't judge someone--anyone by the color of their skin but as Dr. King said, by the content of their charector"--Immigrants are the hardest working, most loving people...just like any other good citizen, the only difference is the government refuse to give them a legal ID # so they can pay taxes.....who's fault is that???
 Blame the powers that be not the immigrants, they don't make the laws, they are just trying to feed their family...every man/woman has the right to live a healthy, safe, life!

Do me a favor, don't ever talk bad about another culture, keep it to yourself if you were raised to be predjudice, look around, the world is full of color and good people, "illegal aliens" are no exception!
I love you all who read--any kid/teen, i am trying to change your thinking so that you can change the world!

June 2, 2010

Words of encouragement...

Words of encouragement...

hi blog family!
words of the day:
"the power of success, lies in your hands
The power of you lies in success
Think big, dream big, Do big THINGS
that will change you and the world, for the better!

Get to class, stay on your A game, I am watching you!!
xo Tanya