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February 9, 2013

fosterkidsonly: Talent show surprise! Tati S.C.

fosterkidsonly: Talent show surprise! Tati S.C.

Talent show surprise! Tati S.C.

Hi blog family!

as I listen my talented 16 year old, I thank God for bringing me to her and her sister, my girls are the greatest gifts I could have asked for in this life!!

Wow! today is my 48th birthday!!! 

I am SO blessed to have made it this many years being the child of an addict!!
I thank God every day that not only have i made it, but in better health than many!

We often take for granted the little things, I want you to know, I am blessed and highly favored no matter what has happened in my life!!
Even after abandonment, neglect, rejection and abuse...I AM STILL STANDING TALL!!
 Because it is my right to be happy and be a blessing to others when I can!!

I will not allow negative people, places or things to EVER change my giving heart, for it is one of the many reasons i think I was born. 

We all have divine purpose and let NO man, woman or child stop you from your divine purpose of sharing, caring, mentoring and helping others.

The world has got some pretty selfish people in it today- don't let anyone tell you you can't help others if YOUR without money! that is a lie!! God always sends us angels when we need help!! I know because when I put out a call to send gift boxes to aged out foster kids now in college - St. Joseph's Church seniors came to the rescue!!! These ladies are amazing for helping me help 10 young adults who are without family.  I cannot say thank you enough to these lovely group of lovely seniors, ( who all look fabulous and not like seniors"... if this is the new over 65....i can't wait!! These ladies have spunk, gut, wit and hearts of gold!!

My message: don't let anyone tell you you have to be rich to help others! If you have an idea, share it with your friends, church or anyone who will listen... I know gift cards and candy/snacks may not mean much to a kid who has everything but when you don't have family or your family is poor and your in school...every penny counts! Always remember to help AND say thank you to ANYONE who helps you!! Just because I ended up in foster care does NOT mean ANYONE has to help me, so I thank ANYONE who extends a hand...and I always say thank you! My foster mom use to say: you never know when you will need help again AND someone else may help you just for being thankful!! I am grateful for my 4 kids that sent a thank you, for those that did not, I am sad but, please know, thanks goes a long way!! You cannot be blessed until you have an attitude of Gratitude!!!
As I celebrate my 48 years..I will be thinking of you all who do not have family and those that what you have now, tomorrow is not promised and help others when you can, even if its with a smile, word or gift xo