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July 26, 2016

July 19, 2016

Diary of a foster girl

Hi Blog family!
I found a little piece from my diary, hope you can identify or get a lesson from my thoughts, YOU are DIVINE and have Purpose in your life! xo

"If someone had just had a bank account for me when I aged out. Not one penny just a transfer to a girls home in NYC. Turned out to be my greatest blessing. Although I did not have a bank account, being placed in Bedford was the best thing that happened to me. I received an education I would have never gotten in Brooklyn at that time, I even went to private school twice, (until I got kicked out for calling headmaster a name I can't repeat). I was young, and did not know it was ok to be the only black girl, in most of the school. I have no regrets but I would have taken an even greater path had I stayed in private school, as I was a visual learner and it took my other school until middle school to figure it out!

I say to you that are still in group homes or foster homes, stack your money! If you get $15 a week for allowance, put away $2 at least! It seems small but if you save every week for adds up! Collect bottles and cans, pick up pennies, put it in the bank! Oh, you don't have a bank account? What? Get your counselor to take you and get a bank account, you need proof of who you are. I suggest IF you can ask your social worker to help you get your birth certificate and social security card, it is ID that you will always need for work or applying for a passport- yes, you will travel out of the country one day JUST so you can see what else is in the universe for YOU to see and experience!

Just sharing my thoughts, I will continue, forgive me taking SO long to post, I have been a busy gal, running FKU, doing stand-up comedy, hosting a cable show and writing 7 at once, I am all over the place! BUT I know where I am going and you should to!
Write out your dreams, commit to them and SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!! xo

FosterKidsUnite, Inc.: Tanya Cooper speaking to fosters and foster parent...

FosterKidsUnite, Inc.: Tanya Cooper speaking to fosters and foster parent...