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April 28, 2010

The mind is a terrible thing to waste...

Hi blog family!
I know it has been a minute but as I always say: "life is happening, even when we take a break!"
I was hoping your in good spirits today.

 I want you to know why you should stay away from drugs and drinking AND cigerettes!!
1. your mind is a terrible thing to waste, remember that commercial?

 You are young and growing why would you think you needed unatural things in your body??
I want you to know, your brain is still growing along with your body, if you put chemicals in you get distractions in your brain that may make you behave in a bad way.

2. I told you before you have to learn to talk about ANYTHING that is bothering you or making you want to hurt yourself or others! 
Talking is the best medicine when you are down, alone, sad or mad, I know because I have lived a little longer, (ok i am sounding like my foster mother)... LOL....

3. If you are a teen that feels you need to be "out of your mind" to have a good time, (high) may need help..
you may not think so but it is NOT "normal" to want to relieve stress by getting high.
 I understand teens will be teens but i was a teen (not too long ago) and I did not like the fact that some of my friends were getting high or drinking,
one because they acted stupid and two because you do things you may not normally talk to someone you know is bad for you or hang with a bad crowd, get in trouble, talk back to staff, you know, i don't have to tell you...doing drugs is not a good move.

You are in foster care and need ALL of your brain cells to get through this life WITH your sanity!!!
You can't think right when your high and you make excuses to be lazy and not complete your goals,.
Don't tell me about all the famouse or rich people who admit to doing drugs, because no matter what they tell you in the media, they are not fine, if they were, why would they have a need to "get high" with all that money, wouldn't you be out enjoying it???
Drinking and getting high is for people who don't want to do the mental work....they think if they get high there problems will go away....NOT, they are still there but worse...the only way to solve a problem--any talking it out!!!
You are special and loved....
Your mission this week:
go smile and be nice to a kid at school that no one is nice to...just smile atleast...i bet you will have a great day just for doing that..... 
be kind, it cost nothing...xo Tanya

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