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June 10, 2010

Arizona?? Hitler? Racism? SLavery? Love all??

Hey blog family!!
no I did not forget about you, in fact, I am always thinking of what kid is checking my blog, (or adult)

I have many things to say to you, always food for thought and always with love for ANYONE who enters!

I want you to google what is happening in Arizona today...the powers that be want to put up a fence for illegal immigrants AND put them in tents!!!! *(#@**)^% Ok forgive me but do you know what that means?
Do any of you know about Anne Frank or slavery? if you don't PLEASE go on google tonight or youtube what happend during the holocaust! This is a must if you are going to be a seeker of knowledge in life!

ANYWHO, what happend only happend because ALL people (power and no power), sat by and did nothing!!
You are a person of change, you are our future leaders! Don't ever let any of your friends tell you why ANOTHER culture is worse than theirs! 
I know they may say aweful things like: "they are taking our jobs, or " this place is not the same" or "I can't get any help because they are getting it all"....these are just some of the racist excuses I have heard from ex associates---I  stay away, throw away people who talk like that---you think!!!

You cannot associate with people who think bad and say horrible things about someone just because of their culture or language. Usually people with small minds think like this and it's because they have never traveled or been around other cultures so they are scared someone brighter--or more resourceful than them may take something of theirs---that is a lie!!
 No one can take what God has for you! Ever! If he wants YOU to get that will...if he wants you to learn patience..he will teach you...whatever God has for you, NO man or woman can take away...including life!
That's why some people who were in the holocaust years ago, are still alive...Hitler tried to kill all jews But thank God, that was not the plan GOD had! They wanted slaves  dead or to be servents we have a "black" president"....that was said to be impossible...and I am NOT cosigning on any politics...BUT i am trying to show you a point...what God has for you, no man can take--repeat it, learn it!!! It was said, (google who said it),
"one who does'nt learn from history, is bound to repeat it"

God made us ALL for a reason, no one is "better" than anyone else and remember: ALL americans, came here speaking another language, (even if they were kidnapped from Africa or were "orginially" here like the Indians, (sioux, cherkee etc...)
 So no one is all American anyway, that is a lie....if you search your roots back to your great grand parents, parents, (unless u are really young), you will find American is a Nationality NOT a culture!!!

google what i am saying...and understand i am giving you an early lesson so that you won't be "that kid" that said something or did something agree with the politician in Arizona that wants to put up tents for illegal immigrants!!
How would you like it if we had slavery again or potatoe famine or the great depression...where everyone was broke and hungry??? don't think because you are not an illegal alien, (which  i hate that term, they are not from space, they are why call anyone an alien unless they are from another planet? "America is the "melting pot".....
Mexico is so close, that is why people come in such high numbers, people may come to make a better life for themselves, can you blame them or ANY person that comes to this country to have a better life? 
If you had a family to feed and you only got .10 cents an hour and worked 13 hours a day...would you stay if you knew there was a place you could make more money AND have better living conditions?

 I would leave in a heartbeat!!! Don't judge someone--anyone by the color of their skin but as Dr. King said, by the content of their charector"--Immigrants are the hardest working, most loving people...just like any other good citizen, the only difference is the government refuse to give them a legal ID # so they can pay taxes.....who's fault is that???
 Blame the powers that be not the immigrants, they don't make the laws, they are just trying to feed their family...every man/woman has the right to live a healthy, safe, life!

Do me a favor, don't ever talk bad about another culture, keep it to yourself if you were raised to be predjudice, look around, the world is full of color and good people, "illegal aliens" are no exception!
I love you all who read--any kid/teen, i am trying to change your thinking so that you can change the world!

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