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July 6, 2010

How can you build confidence?


I know the 4th was banging!!
I was thinking about when I was young and in my first group home, I was never the kid that got alot of compliments and I never got any pats on my back. How did I get enough confidence to become a runway model in Paris and NY?? I lied to myself EVERYDAY until I believed it!! telling my self that I was beautiful and although my dark skin was not "popular", I told myself whoever did not like my high cheeckbones, dark beautiful skin and thick auburn hair, obviously was not ahead of the times. I told myself I was the "it" girl...even if I was not!  WHY?? 
because in this life you usually have your parents to hype you up and tell you you are the best thing, You usually have your siblings to back up what your parents are saying, even when you fight, if someone on the street talks about you- your family usually got your back and likes to brag about you and usually they make you think you are the greatest!
 BUT since I did not have that until later, I told myself what I needed to hear to act like I was the best girl on the runway!! I also read every magazine from here to England on fashion, studied every girl, went to Fashion Institute of Technology for a while to study fashion, how garments are made etc.. If I was going to be the best model, I had to know clothes so that I would know HOW to sell them with my walk or attitude!!

What are some things you can do to build your confidence?

Repeat something positive about you EVERYDAY-3x a DAY!! "I am a great person with lots of friends who love and respect me. " I am beautiful and smart"I am #1, ONLY POSITIVE WORDS THAT YOU WANT TO BE TRUE!!

2. Take action to make it happen!
If you want to be a doctor- start learning your science now-biology- research! 
read books or google the topic that interest you.
 Get an internship with a company you like or dreamed of working for.
3. Practice, Practice practice!!
:if you want to be an actress- start reading monolgues to yourself in the mirror or to your friends to practice
4. Study your competition-until your better than them or close!: If you want to play pro ball- get good grades- practice everyday all day and apply to D-! schools!! Get to know the coaches-especially in high school- they can send you off to a good place IF they like and respect you and your work!!
If you want to be a DJ- learn how to scratch/mix/edit music/songs-
save your money so you can buy the latest equipment and songs-learn all the clubs and radio stations with the best DJ's-see why they are the best and what will make YOU better!
3. Believe in you 100%
no room for doubt, especially when everyone knows you are the best. When you are down or feeling like you are not special and your talent is worthless, pull yourself by the collar, look in the mirror, grit your teeth and tell yourself:: God and the universe did not make no dummy, they only make the best, MAN UP!!" now go getem tiger!! You are the one! you are loved, special and highly favored, don't let them , (anyone not IN your camp 100%) see you sweat-ever!!! Nobody does it better than me- repeat it!! xo Tanya

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