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November 7, 2010

teachers can't teach or you need help?

Hi blog family!

just wanted to remind you: not all teachers can teach! 
Sometimes you may get a teacher (or a counselor) who is not really about change and may be scared of change- so they will not come across the right way to you- which means you may not do well in their class or with that counselor.
You should still always be respectful of these types of people-they are in a position of power (to give you an F or  with a councelor to not give you your allowance):( but :)
I can tell you what you can do if you get a bad communicator...(that means a bad teacher you don't understand or a counselor you don't get along with or they think wrong of you)-(without a u were acting up or acting out..)...
follow me...i know u can because you are the smartest thing on earth!!
if i say something to you 2 things happen: 1. you understand 2. you don't understand
when you are in a class with too many kids, not enough books, loud kids talking when the teacher is talking, teacher is soft spoken, teacher is reading from a book (instead of teaching you in a way YOU can learn (with pictures or examples)...MIS COMM UN I CATION!!! The #1 reason people are not understood or don't get a message being sent!
they don't understand how you learn or operate and YOU don't understand what they said or how to apply it to YOUR life!!! 

If you can get the teacher or counselor to see WHY you don't understand or agree with them--then you can start over.
 Let them know they are going too fast, they are being unfair, the information is too long or not clear--but let them know in a CAREfrontational - *that word was taken from my clinician professor- Dr. Harris Straytner:)
 (not accusing but concern):) no one wants to be told they are not doing a good job so find a way to say it that puts blame on both of you: " excuse me mr. x, I feel that every time you talk to me, it''s bad and you never tell me my good points, what can I do to get a kind word from you, change my behavior? am I too agressive/loud/....
If it is a teacher: excuse me mrs x. I do not understand what your teaching because you are going too fast or i cant visualize the formula to put it on paper, or i may need help, what should i do?

THe point is let them know what you need to understand-and sometimes  they may convince you to stay in the class-even if your failing--don't!!- ask someone to help you get out and start fresh..... ONLY if you know you are failing because your teacher if not effectivly teaching NOT because you have a learning disablity or your not trying.. (that would mean you need special education help-and that is good if you know early)..if you are not trying--try harder-get a tutor!!!
when dealing with difficult people-know that you are always in charge (by what you do), dont yell, be mean, act ignorant, stand tall, get help from a good counselor that can speak up for you.
 Most important: apply yourself--do all YOU can to get a lesson from a class or a person!!

 if you know you need help in a subject-get it now-don't wait until your in senior year and then cannot graduate because you let it go... switch class or get help as soon as you spot a problem and don't be ashamed-be in charge!

Remember: communication is everything when it comes to dealing with anyone for anything. hit me if you need me xo Tanya

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