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November 25, 2010

What does this holiday mean to you?

Hi blog family!

Today is a time to reflect on when the pilgrams tricked the kidding... :) gotta have humor!!!

This is a time to reflect. 
I know we have been taught to celebrate but what are you celebrating? life? giving? love? the chance to help others? 

I believe every thanksgiving should start with early morning cooking, 
20 plates prepared and taken to an area you know homeless people would be today, 
and then.... 
come back home and have a feast of thanks!
--thanks that you were spared another year,
 thanks that you had food for you AND for others,
thanks that you have and give love to others,
 thanks that you can help others, 
this is what thanksgiving should be about, 
teaching our young to go out and help others first--
perhaps give away that coat you never wear
perhaps bring a scarf and old light worn pair of sneakers..
something to show the universe that you are thankful and a person of change.
If you give of yourself, it lessens your worrys AND the universe always rewards those that give by brining more peace and love into your life, Happy thanksgiving please reach out and help someone today...even invite someone with no family over, and then eat!!!


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