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December 6, 2010

The search is on for foster families

Hi blog family!

I saw an article today with this headline: "The Search is on for foster families. The article states that they are trying to take foster kids who was taken out of their homes in an emergency and put into temporary shelters- and place them with family's. THey say this will save their city millions of dollars a year....

I am not going to co-sign yet! Why not?
 Because everything that sounds good, may not be.
#1 we know (and I talk about it in my book), a constructive foster home is always better than a group home. Constuctive meaning all family members are functional, non abusive and the foster child is not being played for money or treated 2nd class...yes, we know this happens from time to time.
#2 Some foster homes are too crowded with too many kids and you don't get the attention you need, so you may act out....when there are too many kids and not enough adults per 2 kids, you might as well be placed in a group home! I never liked people having 10 foster kids (none related) and all ages have to be careful if they came from an abusive home, they may act out on younger children...I know-I was one of them!

#3 I also don't think a child should ever have to go back to a home (if they choose) that physically or sexually abused them---they had there chance to love and protect you and they messed up, why should you suffer, or be reminded or learn their behavior? You deserve only the best don't feel sorry, or sad, just change your thinking and know that you don't need people around that don't treat you like the king or queen you are!! including family!!! I always  tell you- that is why we have "friends"-you choose them, if you do it right they are just as good if not better than "a family" that abused you...
when it comes to pysical abuse - If you choose to go back home- so be it, but sexual assault on any child is the only act  not forgiveable or forgetful in my book...forgiveness??NOT - and neither should you (forgive in your heart if they ask but that does not mean hang out or live togeather or even eat togeather...
again I always talk to you with truth..and you should read and know I only have your best intentions at heart.
If I ever say anything confusing, talk to a counselor, show them the blog and let them explain. I want you to release any anger you have for your past family, past abusers, foster care. I want you to start healing your mind from abandonment.  Read, meditate and learn to love need extra love and's out there..

What can you as a foster child do? 
protect your future and educate your mind--stay in school!!!
I am in my 40's and things have changed a little, (more allowance, in care less time, workers who actually care and help, workers who have bosses and board members who want to advocate change...

there is change BUT we know fostering will always be about $$$$ and paperwork.
Not on a negative note but you need to understand the hard truth...nothing worthwhile is free!! So with that in mind I want you to stay focused only on you, your goals and how to achieve them and who can help you achieve them.
Life deals us all odd cards--play anyway..good thing is you never loose...if you keep playing. work on how to be a better you and how to make a difference in the world with your talent.

When you see articles like this or news headlines you won't care because you know, you are making a difference in you, and if you become an independent, contributor to this society (stay out of trouble, no rehabilitation, jail, morgue...etc...), then you have done a great job!!!
You are King and Queen, get your education so that you may take your thrown and rule!!! xo Tanya

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