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January 27, 2011

i wish i could syndrome

hi blog family!!

its a new day!! what are you up to?? Exams were crazy--but u  did it!!:) I am proud of you!! You are a winner!!

are you:
sitting around waiting for your dreams to happen? This can only happen if you know what it is and how to plan for it...then how to execute!

sitting around wishing you could look 50 lbs lighter...but not excersizing or changing your eating habits?

wishing you had a mate..but sitting on the couch, never going anywhere to be seen or meet new people?
wishing you were successful...but not doing anything that will manifest this success?

thinking of leaving that abusive partner, but never leave, even with support..because you don't think your worth it or no one will want you? this is a hard one because you do what you have to do to survive when you are in an abusive relationship-especially when there are kids BUT i say to you..if you can get to "my sisters place or any domestic violence shelter- go and start over..your life and your kids are worth it!! You may be able to turn this experience around by writing a journal/book and helping other woman..keep faith, and take action as soon as your spirit tells u to leave!

I had the "I wish I could" syndrome for years. It is going to keep you in the same place! You must realize your greatness and get up, get out and do something, as Macy gray use to sing! Nothing in this life is coming easy...even illnesses take some work like eating bad food, not seeing a doctor...etc... Nothing in this life good or bad, comes to you, you must go get the good you want in life!!!
If you want to change your negative kids thinking--think positive-live positive- talk positive--they will follow the leader- YOU!!
If you want a mate. get out to the museums, borders, gallery's... he/she cannot find you if you home!

if you want success. start planning what does that mean, what does it take for your goal, what do you need, who do you need for a mentor? how long..does not matter if you do not give up...

Stay focused and try new things this year, the universe is waiting for your success!! There is plenty for all of us, find out what gifts you have that will make you stand out...xo Tanya

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