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January 4, 2011

what will I need to get to my greatness?

Hi blog family!
back to school.
 I know its hard..but you are doing it!! stay strong and postive.
 Have you ever wanted something so bad but you just keep NOT getting it? $, fame, cars, friends, jobs, skills, clothes, life style, career, (, judge)..talent....

I say to you ask yourself why do you want it?
Do you need it or just want it to feel great or look great or be great?
 if its the last,,go for it!.
For instance if you wanted to be popular in school...not so great UNLESS it was so you could help teach/show other unpopular kids its not so hard.
The cause of why you do it is very important because if it is a good will keep trying until the very end-even when others discourage you.
At the end of our lives you want to be remembered for the good you did or who you helped, saved or changed, not by the outfits you wore or the people you hung with or the house you lived in! When you think of wanting something so bad, ( trying to be a doctor one day or a singer or a bball player, math teacher), think of why you are doing it, is it for the love or for the fame....

keep all your dreams alive, daily by writing them down and looking at them everyday..visualization very important!
you are young but remember your never too young to leave a legacy--while your alive so do ALL things with GOOD intention and purpose-because this is what you will be remembered by!
 xo Tanya

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