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February 22, 2011

energy equals energy

hey blog family!
I know its been a minute-i am trying to get this book out for you!! soon!
In the meantime- i hope you are doing good in school and if you was not, you are trying to get better grades, meet better friends and be a better person.

Remember what i said about energy? how you feel? it determines if your going to have a good day or not by how you "feel"..i want you to keep feeling" like you won $1million dollars!! You can attract more to you if you are smiling and feeling good-no one wants to give to a unhappy face or a nasty person...your lesson for the day...."feel" like you won $1million dollars!! even when you wake up-stop complaining its too early- its never to early to enjoy life!! Be glad you got up...somebody did not wake up this morning!!

I lost my baby brother but him and I always woke with cheer because we knew, tommorrow is NOT promised-so what you do while you are here: who you help, who you are kind to, how good you are to yourself and your body-all matters!!! You are KING and QUEEN and we need you to change this universe! Go out smiling and shinning superstar!!! xo Tanya

February 13, 2011

politics-what can you do

Hi blog family!
I hope your report cards showed great grades or great progress. I hope you are getting the tutor you need or staying at lunch at the resource center. I hope that you are able to talk with your counselor about any issues you are having in school.
It is your world-you have the right to get the help you need!!
Remember you can always google ANYTHING you don't know the answer to-i am sure it will lead you to an answer or mighty close!!

I read that Egypt has a victory- all the young people that got togeather and caused such a rukus that president Mubarak resigned- after 29 years-3 decades of ruling!!!
This man would not let the people have their say, he put many people in jail during his reign.

I am glad he is kicked out because he imprisioned a family friend for speaking his mind and now thanks to the youth movement, he is going back home to Eygpt-after years of living in exhile!!! HOORAY for youth that standup and take action!!!!
 can you imagine the power of the people-when they get togeather for a cause-to vote for whom they want and not a rigged election?? You should take notes and remember that YOU do make a difference and TOGEATHER- we can all make a change!! You should know this is why you should vote when you are 18..start researching or talk to a political science teacher to start a club on awareness-(just be careful that the teacher is not ignorant -you will know if sound one sided..not giving all the facts from both sides....

I don't want you to get crazy over politics but i do want you to know what is happening, here and in other countrys-why? Because and informed person is able to make wiser decisions!!! 

Don't sleep on ANYONE-including a politician- always do your homework- google what you need to know and IF you can find someone close to that topic- interview them on a friendly note to get an opinion from someone who was there or is doing "that"... (maybe you have a friend at school who has family in that country? talk to them lightly, who what when where and why?? always ask about your friends culture if it is different than yours-this is how you learn!!)

We need you to be thinking of our future and how to make it better.
 I suggest you go to college to be a juge, lawyer, president, doctor, some field where YOU will call all the shots!! 
If you happen to end up in a job like most of us---still use your voice to make change but whatever you do- don't become a complainer like most of us "this aint fare- that's not right etc.."these are usually people who never vote and say "it aint gonna matter if I vote"- how crazy is that!

 My foster mother, along with Doctor King, Malcom X, and many others, gave their lives SO that YOU could VOTE and say what you wanted...without being lynched-and now we repay our ancestors by NOT voting--that makes no sense!!

Get involved and wake up, you are being put to sleep with many other problems, (that don't have to be) gangs, violence on each other, "weed" aka cronic", babies, lazyness-----

The founder of the 80's group CHIC-NILE ROGERS CREATED A SAYING: STAND FOR SOMETHING OR FALL FOR ANYTHING!! It applys to anything!!!
 get up get out and do something IF its that bad, if not, live your life and deal with what you get when you don't speak up- leftovers...

Your voice is powerful and the media plays a part (all those dumb shows that make YOU think its ok to be drunk 24/7, all the shows that make YOU think its ok to have a baby at 15....
all those shows that make YOU think a big but and no clothes is ok to get what you want- WAKE UP!! start using the brain you were given, read more, talk less and please stop watching TV-until you understand you and your purpose!
You are loved and needed by this universe-get going, we are counting on you!!!
xo Tanya

February 11, 2011

Relationships & Foster care

Hi blog family- I'm back!
Relationships & foster care. 

It is hard to have any-when you have no good example to choose from. 
 So if you are not sure how to pick a good mate or friend-stop picking the bad ones- the one who has all the drama, gossip, negative words, gangbangers, dealers, cutting class-u know! 
If nothing else, you know that ANY relationship should consist of two people that respect, admire and love each other for whom they are-never trying to change them or mold them, accepting them with flaws (as long as it is not drama or you doing all the work).. both parties should get something out of each other that makes them do better, love harder and want to be greater! Your true friend will support you and tell you what is right-not guide you wrong!
Don't settle for crazy, lazy, drama friends and mates- You are KINGS and QUEENS & should surround yourself only with people who think and do at their highest level.
life is short-only surround yourself with people that love you and have your best interest at heart IF there is any hint of jealousy, envy, hatred, mean spiritness- ABANDON SHIP!! God put plenty of people on the earth for you- its up to you to find them! 
You are loved, and the universe needs you to get yourself together so that you may help the other 500,000 kids in foster care!! teach one-reach one
xo Tanya