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March 21, 2011

you are blessed

Hi blog family!
Glad you are going to school, doing your homework and asking for help when you need it!

The earthquake in Japan should be one of many reasons you should be thankful not only for your life, but that you have choices! 
Pray for the kids that are now "orphaned" because of this earthquake.
Be thankful for what you DO have in your life NOW!!
 Every day is a new one that YOU COULD, do ANYTHING, you choose, if you study hard, stay away from drugs, negative people, places & things AND be grateful for what you do have!!
You are blessed SO much and you will bless others with your, smile, your gift, your talent and your tenacity to live your best life!
 keep on moving, don't stop (british group, Soul 2 Soul).. lol...
you are loved, special and needed by the universe,
stay in your king and queeen position-no one can dethrone you!
!! xo Tanya

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