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July 25, 2011

divine purpose

knowing u have divine purpose

Hi blog family!! Don't be startled!

I decided to do a makeover ..just for fun, i like me the way i am and only wear makeup for tv...but i was thinking  maybe we should all do a mental makeover!! :)

I am saddend every time i hear of a young person, like Amy Winehouse dying. Why? because it does not matter how she went, she is gone and we have lost a person who may have been caught up in addiction BUT her voice was her tool that God/the universe allowed her to use to heal our pain.
We all have divine purpose; homeless, addicts, old, young, at some point, you touched someone's life! This is not to say your life has to be good it could be in pure chaos but if Most of us think back, we have effected somene sometime somewhere!!

Know that you have divine purpose and you are needed by the universe.
Without each and everyone of you, something may NOT get done today.
Without you Something MAY get done today, that was not  intended..
.think of how you help others,
how you love others, how you have hurt or changed others, at the end of the day when we die, ask yourself: what have I done, to change the world, starting with is never too late to change....

you are loved, divine and special have a lovely night xo


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