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November 1, 2011

focusing on today

Hi blog family!

So glad to have our power back on in my town!! I know their are often times when we want to "black out" and forget about all the negative that has happened as well as all the work we must continue daily JUST to survive!!! 
I encourage you today to get your head back in the game! Life throws us ALL curves, its how u catch them that matter! Yes it would be nice to have the best mitt for catching but sometimes you only have your bare hands, and while it will sting to catch a flying can be done!

If you survived foster care half your battle is over, the other half is "plugging back in" to life...after being out of it so long!  
How do you do this?
1. stay focused on YOUR goals and what it takes to achieve them; IE more schooling, contacts, $..
2. know YOUR moral code; what do YOU live by? does it include integrity and honor?
3. learn to enjoy silence! it will be your best friend AND help you follow your "instinct" in any situation! go to a Quaker meeting house in your area at 11am...learn to sit in silence for 45 minutes, listening to what God or the Universe has to tell you...we are usually TOO busy talking and responding to hear anything!!
4. Love yourself enough to be proud you made it thru and while this won't be your last test...You know you are made to be a winner!!! don't let your experience in foster care harden you or make you angry, learn to help others in foster care. You have some gift waiting to be shared with others in care...start a journal, mentor to a foster kid, give them a job or internship, teach them how to make jewelry or write a book....SHARE what you know and how you make it thru!!! 
Remember: we are all here to SAVE or CHANGE a life!!! smile, someone is watching you and you may help them have a great day just by smiling!!! xo Tanya

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