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January 29, 2013

Hi Blog Family!

SAVE THE DATE: MAY 16th, 2013 celebrate with Fosterkidsunite May, as National Foster Care Awareness Month at Mount Kisco Library again this year 4-6 pm.. This year we have an award winning journalist speaking and sharing her book and story!!!

As you can see, winter is here!! It can be cold outside and this weather can be less motivating at times, especially if your walking! lol.

I want you to think of ALL the obstacles you are facing today. At times life can seem Cold and unfair but that should never stop you from getting to your goals and being the best you!

I approaching another birthday Feb 9th and I often feel I am not "where I want to be"... but know that I keep traveling in this life, staying on track and getting back on when I feel I am falling off!

If you are a single parent, it can be a challenge to reach your goals, while you provide food and a safe home for your little ones....but that cannot stop you, it may slow you down but stopping is not an option!!
If you are living in foster care please start preparing your self for aging out by getting an education!! It does not have to be College" it can be trade school or classes but do SOMETHING that will ensure a financial future! If you had a child early you have to really stay focused and PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!!

Every move should be calculated and having a kid (if you did already), is NO excuse for failure or giving up!! I recommend NOT having ANY kids, until you have a career, can start a college fund for that baby, and hopefully a supportive partner/spouse that will provide financially AND mentally for that child!! I see why God made two parents...both are needed, not only so you can have relief at but so that another voice can guide the child....
I only say all of this because as I get older I realize MY mistakes, I have no regrets BUT I would have done things alot different had I known what it meant to live with no family...choose good friends, parents for your future kids...(that would be someone with an education and a career NOT a jump off, Dough boy, abuser, dysfunctional person that has NO goals or high thought of living their best life!!

Learn from my lessons Nothing can stop YOU but YOU! Stay focused and clear knowing that God and the Universe wants the best for you! I know it can be hard, I am still having a hard time, but I stay trying and refuse to believe that I cannot live a better life - today!!! xo

keep away from negative and work 3 jobs if you have to in order to achieve your goal, as long as your moving, thinking and taking action....something will come your way!!!


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