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April 12, 2013

Hi blog family!

the ultimate win is when YOU get life! knowing how to love YOURSELF,
help others, travel, be at peace, enjoy all that God has made, that is when you can find joy and win in life!!

Heart disease is a very big killer, especially among African American's and Latinos, it seems!! Imagine foster kids eating habits with no mom to steer them correctly!! Potato chips, lard, cookies, poorly made boxed food!!!
No one is giving you the memo that some kids were born to already have that factor, now add eating bad food until your 30...40...this is when all your family health issues come up!! Someone has to tell you the truth! I am not a doctor but I want all kids to start thinking about your health NOW!!!! what you put in, what you get out!!

I also wanted to point out another important factor, HEALTH!!!!!! nothing matters if you are in bad health!! NO MONEY, LOVE, POWER can cure bad health!

Learn to eat healthy. Stay away from fried foods, vegetable oils, (use olive or canola), stay away from too much butter, sugar, breads...if you know it was NOT in the Garden of Eden, stay away!!

your diet should be 75% veggies, preferably raw..
.NO I am not a doctor but if the you eat a lot of red meats, pork and processed foods....your colon has to work harder to digest all that!
Less is best!
 learn to move, walk, run, bike, skate, basketball, swim, yoga...ANYTHING to keep your body moving and current!!!
A moving body is usually a better one!!
 Remember to eat to live, not because there is food!!!

Today learn to be ok with who YOU are but know how to love yourself by being the best you!! xo


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