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November 21, 2015

nornor without parents

Hi Blog family!

I know, its been a minute, or two, or three, ok its been months! I am a comedian and sometimes, I have to share a laugh.
The Fundraiser Nov 4th was a success, many thanks to our sponsors, donors, Board members, interns Tatiana and Quiana and our volunteers; Esteban and Nicole and over 81 of you who came out to support our auction and comedy night fundraiser! Success!

 I am happy to report, I have been working hard with my board members to get donors so that we can provide gift boxes in December and scholarships in May!

Let me say when I first came to my little town after living in my home then group home/orphanage (they did not call them group homes in the 60's...)

I went from people that looked like me, to people that looked more like my grandpa! Lucky for me I didn't know what racism was, nor would I have cared, as I treated you, how you treated me, no color asked..(lol) to make a LONG story short, I LOVE my town! When each of us reach out for help, we silently go by an honor code.
When I asked former school mates to help me with items for gift boxes, they gave, when I asked them for donations, they gave, and without question! Why? Character.
This is a trait we build early on. Even as a kid I never lied, stole or hurt people (sadly, a few people tried it when I was a early teen..and they had to find out Brooklyn still was stored within)...of course this was before the Quaker days!!
But seriously, when you are honest with people it adds up when you really need help. I thank God for my foster mother, and my mother, although I think I was an odd child, in that I never got in trouble, in fact, I ran from trouble or I would talk trouble out of a bad plan.

But I want you to always tell the truth, even if it hurts, as one day, you may need something from your community; for yourself, OR to help others in need and when they look back on your track record of integrity, honor and kindness, they will help because they know you will do what you said you would do. Your word is your Bond, (don't act like you never heard that before) lol
Remember what you do today, may help you tomorrow!
Be Kind, be loving, be strong in this chaotic world. Just because everyone is going crazy, don't mean you have to join them!! Happy Turkey and Holidays to you and your family and if your like me and don't have one, happy holidays to YOU, honor and celebrate your life, as it is special and with great meaning and purpose- to help others! xoxo

FosterKidsUnite, Inc.
Twitter/FB/LinkedIn FosterKidsUnite, Inc.

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