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March 30, 2010

any flicks, pics or history??

Hi blog family!
I hope you are enjoying your break and doing productive and fun things: checking out the movies, museums, (yes, you need to go to learn about history and other artist or historians work)...Remember you want to be well cultured, learning about many things in your walk of life!

ANYWHO...(Dr. Seuess).

Do you know the value of a picture in your life?
Do you have any pictures of yourself when you were young? If the answer is no, that's ok.
 As of today I want you to start taking pictures of yourself and your accomplishments. If you are playing ball or did a great painting at school or went on a trip i want you to take a picture! A picture is worth a thousand words- it tells your past!
I have no pictures of me as a baby, the agency did not take any and the one's my foster mother had when i was 7-18 got burned in a fire.
I never really cared to be in a photo until I  had my kids... now i can't share how I looked or what people was wearing during that time. You may not think about it now but pictures are very important in your future life, it's like a piece of history without words. Your friends have camera's and staff can get one if your at a group home, just make sure you take pictures of all your fun moments! When i am long gone from this good earth, it is good to know my great grandkids will know me from a photo, so smile, your in need of a camera shot!!
ps. smile, you are loved and special. Education is everything, go to class and hold your head high at all times!!!
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