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March 24, 2010


Hi blog family! Sorry I have been working hard on the book in hopes of helping you have an easier time in foster care! As some of you know my baby brother was my life! I have missed him dearly since he passed away. When I think back to when we went into foster care and all the years until he died - He never gave up! He stuck it out until the very end. As a kid Rob never gave up and I want you to do the same, this blog is dedicated to him so read on and I hope something is said to touch your heart - Tanya


a kid i knew wanted to play a sport. He found out it was harder than he thought but he really wanted to play because he knew sports was a good way to find new friends. His other friends were into smoking and other bad habits and he knew that was not for him, so he joined a sport. By the first few days he wanted to quit. Today I asked him why he did not quit, he said: "endurance".. I have to push myself if I want to make a change".
Lesson: there will be times when you want to give up.
 Maybe you owe old homework, maybe you feel like  what's the point if no one, like mom is there to encourage you. Maybe you want to quit the sports team your on or drop out of a play or just not want to put effort into making your future better by going to class!
There are lots of reasons people choose to give up but you should have none - because your not a quitter, never give up on you, even when everyone is saying negative things or not being nice,
YOU are most important and if you don't give up on yourself, others will see the light and say: "hey, maybe this kid is something special". Do you know how many times  people like: Nelson Mandela, John F. Kennedy,P.Diddy, Oprah, JayZ, Justin Beber, Raven Simone, Keisha Cole, Alonzo Mourning, (who was adopted), Dr. Martin Luther King & Ann Frank heard ,"NO" or "YOU CAN'T" or "YOU WILL NEVER"!
The word edurance means to keep pushing, even when your tired. NOTHING GREAT comes to you without perserverence, hard work and effort! If you want to change friends or find new ones like my friend don't let anything stop you: set up a goal/write it down on paper with a deadline, (1 week or 1 year:
 1. write out your purpose of goal...I want to be a singer but i am shy;;; goal: meet and talk to everyone that seems ok to talk to, sing at our fun night at school-in front of all the people. Doing this will help you overcome being shy. If you meet new people and they are not nice, WHO cares, move to the next person, everybody can't tell you no!! You are the bomb, and when you wake up and realize it, somebody else will! (this is different than being conceited)

 Goal: will play a sport or join a club:
 Purpose: to meet new friends who don't do drugs or skip classes, (not saying that all kids who do sports are not doing bad things BUT if a school is a good school they have strict rules on sports players keeping up grades and going to class, they can't stay the best players forever if they are getting high or drinking every night!
no matter how hard your goal is, keep trying. If you try and someone stops you, it is only for a little while, a break I call it, because if you really want to reach your goal, you will get your head together while the other person is thinking you gave up. Think hard on how to do harder the next day or time, and if that day is bad, think of how to do it better the next, keep trying until you see the success YOU want in your life.. if you wanted to meet new friends and you meet 2 instead of 10 that's ok, at least you meet someone new!
If you wanted an A and got a C+, that's ok because before you were a C, in other words: NEVER GIVE  UP ON YOU and as long as you keep trying, you are a winner!
Know that you are loved and special!

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