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April 21, 2010

when no one believes you because your a kid!

Hi Blog family, it's been a minute, I is always happening, even when you stop!
I hope you are all well and will tell your friends about my site and my friends at and both of these sites are great resources, (places you can use for information). When you find people or information that will save or change a foster kids, or anyones life, you have to let people know, don't keep a good thing to yourself!

What do you do when something bad has happened, and no one believes you because your a kid?

If you are the type of kid that always lie's, when it is time for you to tell the truth and you try, no one will believe you because you have no "credability! (that means no one thinks you tell the truth)

2nd. You build credability by always being honest, always keeping 100% as you young ones say! No candy coating a lie or making up extra things of what happened, only the truth from start to finish!

3rd. Yes, even when you have a good reputation and you tell the truth, there are people who will not WANT to believe or trust you because THEY are messed up! ( yes, not just foster kids have issues, some people had there family, and they are still more messed up than us, atleast we are required to go to therapy and talk, even if we don't take advantage of it yet!) Alot of people will not go to therapy unless they are faced with issues or they are required by court, so alot of people never get the help they needed to process their childhood issues like us, so in a way, you are lucky because you are asked to deal with your problems, even if you don't the option is there for you)
 I know your too young to know this yet but i am warning you not everyone is good BUT most people want to do good and that's what you have to go on.
4. If someone does not believe you: teacher, friend, social worker, whoever: you have to ask yourself why does this person not believe me?
If you can say because you are known to lie, don't be mad at them for not believing you, just keep telling the truth and eventually they will see you are more honest
If you told a BIG lie, (someone hurt you and they did not), this is wrong because you could ruin someone's life for good!
 Never play with another life by lying. 
If someone is really hurting you and no one believes you, if it has to do with abuse of any kind, report it, teachers, doctors, social workers and police are "mandated " reporters, meaning they must file a report and tell the proper people.
This is why you can't lie to "get even" or because you are mad at someone, lying in this case can bring harm to someone's life or career BUT if they are harming you, then it is your duty to tell so this happens to no one else!
Truth is always best because it free's  you from more lying. I would rather someone not like me because I am honest Sometimes the truth will hurt and expose bad people, places or things, that's ok, but lying, that is no ok because you want to be known in your community, especially as a foster kid, as a person of charector and truth, always helping others and spreading GOOD energy!

You are blessed and highly favored! Go out and smile, make someone's day, I will talk to you soon, and spread the word for other kids to come visit or leave comments, this site is for you, XO Tanya

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