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May 1, 2010

May: A poem for you, from "someone" on the internet...

Hi blog family!
I hope you are having a great weekend, getting out for some fresh air, playing b-ball, soccer or just riding your bike or walking!
May is a time for all things planted in the winter to bloom: new flowers , tree leaves, warm fresh air, (if you don't live in a smog town)lol...loving yourself and teaching yourself new things....
school is almost over, are you PLANNING your summer?
 Let your counselor know you would like to take trips to the museum of modern art, walk or rollerblade in central park (at the 72nd street entrance).. go to the piers in manhattan, or just walk around NYC!! There is a budget for trips, ask your counselor or social worker...
Whatever you decide, DO something!!

YOu are young gifted and blessed!

Ps. Don't forget to smile, somebodys watching you!!

here is a poem someone sent me, i am sharing with you,.

May today there be peace within.
 May you trust that you are exactly where
you are meant to be. 

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are
born of faith in yourself and others.

 May you use the gifts that you have
received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. 

May you be
content with yourself just the way you are.

 Let this knowledge settle into
your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Here is a way to make a card for someone special...even for a birthday!
if you don't have a gift for mothers day and you have a mom you see OR a special male or female you see in a parent role model light,:
copy this poem,
print is out,
cut it to the exact size and
 glue it onto colorful construction paper.
You can cut the poem in a heart shape and then glue it
or you could cut out flowers you find in a magazine and glue them on...
 then write something from your heart of what that person means to you....
you got yourself a card for someone special who has helped you!!

You are loved, blessed and highly favored!! XO Tanya

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