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July 28, 2010

Self Review

Hi blog family!!
Today is another beautiful day and I am glad you and I are here to tell about it!!

Today, I ask you- is your life going the way you want it to go? 
Why or why not? 
what can you do to foster change? 
what do YOU need to do to start the change process?
 Who do you need to HELP you? 
Did you use all of your resources you have now?: counselor, therapist, social worker, lawyer, friends, your own ideas and help??

I will review with you every now and then to make sure you stay focused
You cannot sleep, accept when it's bedtime!
 Don't underestimate yourself OR sell yourself short by being lazy. 
Always be a person looking for new information and ideas to make yourself better,
 NEVER give up or give in to dispare,
 let anger & frustration motivate you, not keep you from your goals.
You know what you need to do and if you don't, ask me or anyone who can help. 
You know what you need to do so that when you leave foster care, your life will be better than your parents and your future kids, will have a life better than yours-because you pre-planned, set goals and did what needed to be done!
You are a blessing to this world and I thank god for you and the universe needs you--so go handle your business of bettering yourself!!
XO Tanya

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