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August 23, 2010

why would you want to hurt yourself? suicide is NOT an answer!!

Hi, I know it has been a minute, taking care of some issues but know that getting a message to you each week is most important!

note: please discuss with an adult this blog, it is NOT meant to make you feel bad but to empower you. You are special!!

Today I want to ask you:
 have you been hurting yourself or wanting to? call a 1800-suicide!! 

how to talk yourself down quickly: then read on.......
1. breath and know "this too shall pass"--and that you are special & needed in this life!
2. talk to therapist, counselor or friend
3. take care of you by NOT hurting yourself, instead, advocate, speak about what you need!!

Why? (think about it).  has anyone ever survived this problem in the world? (don't say no because our ancestors of slavery and holocaust went through it all!) and they made it!! the world did not end because they were abused and changed because those that survived made it better for you and me! imagine if they had all killed themselves when hitler or slave masters took and i would not be blogging!!
THere is NOTHING you cannot survive!! You come from a great line of survivors!!
dont ask why me? ask what can I get from this to help others?
.. take the focus off of YOU and think of others, your problems seem smaller....

Write down why on  a piece of paper. hold it until the next day. read it...unless you are mentally unstable, your problem should seem smaller today than at that moment you wanted to hurt yourself.
If you cannot write well, think and then say why. The point is too look at how small the problem is in a big world of other problems!!

I know that being in foster care is hard. I had a friend die when he was 18.
He was in foster care and then his adopted parents put him in a group home!
He felt that no one loved him and that life was ruff without anyone.
When he meet me, i did not know how depressed he was, until he took his own life.
 I do not want to scare you and i would like for you to talk to an adult, your therapist or counselor because this is a serious topic!
I was only around 19 when that happend, i could not figure out why my friend would want to hurt himself, because to me he was a great person. As i got older I realized what was the problem:
 he only thought of himself! He did not realize how much we loved him and that he had a purpose...
hurting yourself is not good for a few reasons:
1. you are so special to this world!
Your parents were only a vehicle to get you here. Some raise us, some pass us on BUT it is the lessons we learn and grow from that make us who we are!
Some days are hard I know, maybe seem unbearable, especially if you are being abused, BUT listen to me carefully----IF YOU lIVE THROUGH IT----"this to shall pass"- meaning someone can't abuse you forever, you can't be unloved forever, you can't be labeled forever, all things change their state----depending on YOUR action!
life will get better when YOU take action.
It may be as small as saying I will finish school because i know i hate where i live and the only way out is to go to college!
 It may be I will save my allowance or all the empty bottles I find for the next 3 years, so I can get away from where i am!
YOU have to do something. but cutting yourself-hurting yourself--unacceptable! We need you in this life, to help others in pain!!
2. ANYTHING you go through--is for a reason!! no pain--no gain! (that is NOT to say if your abused you will gain something great)- BUT your abuse is one HORRIBLE thing that happend in your life of MANY good things--like your alive, you have health, you can read this blog. yes, those are things to be thankful for!
Go on google and look at some of the orphaneges in Russia, India, Brazil, Africa, China--you will thank your lucky stars.
No matter where your at in this country---you still have it good--WHY?
because you have rights as a kid--look it up on google!you have many resources you can google; churches, synogues, shelters for teens, food pantry's, lawyers for kids etc....
IF YOU GET TIRED-NO ONE CAN STOP YOU FROM TAKING ACTION! You can call child protection services--if your being abused,
you can call the police, to pick you up if you are in need of a safe place,
you can report a worker if they are not doing there is endless what YOU can do to protect and advocate for yourself in this country!!
There is no reason to hurt yourself! reach out to someone, anyone and i am sure they will give you a hug if you need it! Don't cry for help by cutting yourself, ASK for it!! Write down what you need to be ok.
There are many ways to get attention and cutting is not one, suicide is not one.. Talking, asking for help is the solution!!
You have to want help and do work to get the help, no one can read your mind.
No one wants to see a kid who just started  take his or her life away!! We know that EVERY kid is special and has divine purpose---some won't reach it but YOU will! If you read this blog you are searching for something better--and that is what life is about--looking to get better and help others!!
  call a 1800-suicide there is always someone to help!!
when you feel like you want to hurt yourself it is because you are feeling like no one cares, like you don't matter or no one will miss you when your dead---NOT TRUE!!
 the little kid that just got to the group home and was scared---they will miss you--you saved their life becaue YOU smiled at them and showed them the ropes when they got their--you protected them from bad kids...
the senior citizen down the street, you help her with her grocery's every month and make her feel like she has a reason to live--to be an example or grandmother role model to you...
If you are Native American--your ancestors will be let down--you were the one chance they had to see one of their own go off to college become an activist, counselor, lawyer or a doctor and help change tribe life on reservations! You could be the one to motivate the others NOT to join gangs or drink and cut school...realizing that the reservations will go down if SOMEONE like you don't step up or teach the other kids to step up their game!!
Your brother or sister, how will they make it with a clear head, knowing you killed yourself or hurt yourself?
Don't be selfish, think of the universe and all the people you touch daily without knowing it!
You mean so much to this world and that is why i go around speaking-- to get you to see you are special!
I know i had alot to say but you understand this: YOU ARE LOVED AND NEEDED!! WAKE UP AND LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE NOW BY CHANGING IT!!
See your therapist and TALK don't hide your feelings, they can't help you if you "don't want to tell your business"!!!
put your arms around your back--now you have a hug from me and the universe---you are loved and please call 1800 suicide if you feel the need to hurt yourself!! xo

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