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November 2, 2010


hey blog family, i know, it's been a minute, busy with this book situation, please be patient..
I had to go and vote today...not for the president but for others positions, senate, judge etc...
I wanted to tell you it is important that you all go to school and get your education because we have no good choices for canidates!! Most in politics are in it for the money and the fame not because they want to make a difference with the people! But I am ok if I know the future will be better. That can only happen if you go to school, go to college and major in political science!
I know that your generation would make better presidents, judges, senators because your group is fearless AND willing to make things happen quicker!
why vote? I know you don't need to now but if you are 18 here are a few good reasons...
1. because your ancestors were killed, hung, beaten and robbed before you could sit on a bus or drink from the same waterfountain!
2. because you can- it is your right-again people died for you to have choice---use your voice or lose it!!
3. The future will not get better unless your generation steps up and do something
4. you are smarter than us, you know all the latest technology and can figure out peaceful solutions quicker than my generation!!
5. because you know that without you, the universe will stand still for someone-because only YOU can make it better with your imagination and talent to do things different and just as effective!!
please google all you can about voting and see why it is important. You have to use your voice and voting puts people in office and takes them out but if you don't vote-someone gets through that will destroy our country. This is your country and you can help when your 18 by getting a group of your friends togeather and going to vote for the person you think will help bring america forward-not backward!!! much love to all of you in care and those who work with kids in care, please teach them to use their right to vote-the earlier they learn-the less they will NOT vote when they get older!!! I was lucky my foster mother was a civil rights leader AND she worked the polls on election day...get out and vote if your 18!!

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