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September 9, 2011

looking for you while in foster care!

Hi blog family!

hope everyone is settled into school schedules! Stay focused on you and your kids, they are the future! 

Topic for the day:
  looking for you!!!

While in  foster care do you feel you are always looking for help or someone to "change or save your day? 
Don't sweat it,  allot of people right now appear to be looking for a "savior or Hero" ....unfortunately.....only YOU can save YOURSELF!!
I had a friend that said she wants a boyfriend that can "help" her financially and mentally, she said she is tired of "being alone"...NOT me, I love MY time!! When the right mate comes along, I will know!! I am not sitting around waiting!
learn to love YOU, enjoy YOU, spend time with YOU and ENJOY IT!!!

If you just broke up with someone or have not had a date in a while....why can't you do something "proactive" when you feel this loneliness?

Go bowling, 
 take a trip with the school (ask the counselors to help you see if there are scholorships...they can ask a social worker-no excuses!!
 go out with your girls or boys that are doing fun, productive things! 
There is no reason you should be waiting for SOMEONE else to "save your day!! Prince charming is on vacation and Cinderella lost her shoe again!!!
When you grow up in foster care it is hard to learn to enjoy anything (because it may be taken away), must less you! I understand this BUT.....remember you are trying to live a quality life after foster care, this requires hard work, mentally and physically.
 Mentally you will always have to challenge yourself NOT to think like a foster kid; anxious, Nervous or worried about what's next...those days of wondering what will happen next.... can be over, right now by changing your thinking to positive!!,  (you can lol)...
your life is on YOU now and that is good when you know how to please YOU!! 
Learn to take chances, get new friends that are DOER"S in life....not people who stand by and watch life pass them by! 
Your school friends should want to be the next big doctors, lawyers, producers, actors/tresses, leaders etc.....
NOT want to get high all day.....those people who are smoking all day in or after school at your is most likly a future that is bleak or twisted.... 
yes, i know alot of celebs who do this regularly... and are ignorant enough to admit it! rappers, celebs, wendy williams etc.. . but 
YOU ARE NOT THEM and you don't know WHAT they had to do to get where they are at, they don't tell you everything in the media....only the stuff tht will keep you spending loot and giving ratings!!!!
Find a way to get better grades; ask for a tutor/mentor....even if it means staying after late or giving up Saturdays!!
Look for things new to do you were never able to do: take a vacation with a friend and their family to ...whatever is  miles away from the only place you know! 
*If out of state, the agency would have to clear it but hey you could try!!!) lol..
SPORTS: find one your good at...JOIN  A CLUB!! (not just your culture, join a club that is NOT your need to learn to get along with EVERYONE and i don't want you promoting racism by ONLY hanging with your culture or people that look like you!! this has been enough in our history, change up a little, even lil Wayne has "other" friends of different cultures!!!
Get a book that tells you how to improve your life;; Anthony Robbins, The secret by Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill...anything that helps improve you!! you can do nook but i prefer you go to the library for free and get a REAL book!! lol..
I challenge you to start enjoying life NOW, don't wait till you get to "Heaven"...this is Heaven here on earth and YOU deserve ALL it has to offer but you must GO AFTER IT. 
Look for yourself, get to know YOU
what you like, what you CAN do NOW. Access what you need to change in YOUR life to be a better person...
Stop looking for others to "make your day", no man, woman or child will save you and make your life better, only YOU will!!
You are divine and should be doing the best, eating the best, living the best life and educating your mind enough to share what you do know with others in foster care! 
Best thing I learned about myself after foster care: 
You are your best and own Hero, go save your day!! 
You are blessed and loved,

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