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May 13, 2015

exam time

Hi blog family!

Exam time is here! I hope you prepared, you are in the final stretch!
 For those of you aged out and in college, this could bring up many feelings, as you may or may not have a place to go for the summer break.
 I know some of you are resourceful, taking summer overnight jobs at camps, others will be sleeping on friends couches, I know this is reality when you aged out, not many options.

Some have better luck than others because perhaps they had an adult who was able to help them, that is fine, be happy for those that left and are doing good or better, at least someone knew how to go get it, their blessing. (Mary Mary :) )

Choose your friends wisely and make sure they are all about studying and not partying, as that last one can be a downfall of ANY college kid, but as a former foster, you must always be on point about YOUR business!!
Don't hold your past hostage for what is going on in your life now. If you have to get two jobs, (like most American's these days), and walk two miles to have food on your table and finish your schooling, go for it.
*Nothing good in this life is free or easy!
You may think your rich friend is better off than you but remember, we ALL go through life challenges, the rich or people with parents may hide it well but trust, they have 99 problems, just $ is not one of them!
Focus on you and how YOU can achieve YOUR greatness! After all the schooling and life lessons go back and help other fosters in YOUR own way!
I pray you will all have a great summer and remember just because your friends want to act a fool, does not mean that you have to follow, DO YOU! If your true to yourself, you can't go wrong!

Peace and love

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