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April 4, 2010

What does this holiday mean to you?

Hope you enjoyed your holiday, whether Jew or Gentile this is a day for renewing...starting a new day...If you believe it is the day Christ has risen after dying for our sins, or if you believe this is a time to not forget the past and how far you have come, either way, this is a time for new growth.
Think of all the things you no longer want in your life and things that are good in your life. Reflect on what you could do better, wiser.
You always hear and see Easter Eggs, chocolates and bunnies but that is not what this day is really about, someone died for our sins so that we could live, (if your christian). If your not you still celebrate passover for a similar remember...
we must always remember someone sacraficed for us to be here today, no matter what color you are, the human race progressed because someone fought, died or rallied for our basic human rights in America. This day should not be about the chocolate but about how we are priviledged to eat chocolate and have a week off of school!
Easter should be time for you to reflect and be thankful that someone cared enough to let you be where you are, and that is the reason you want to always achieve greatness, to show thanks and give back to others. life is great when you are living, live your life, be happy and smile, you may change, save or help someone!
xo Happy holiday, Tanya

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