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May 7, 2010

how do you pick your friends?

Hi blog family, hope you are well. Today is friday, get out after school, ride your bike, walk, see a movie or get togeather with your friends and play checkers..any game that keeps your mind sharp.

I wanted to know how do you pick your friends? At this age you usually take what you can get so whoever is friendly....that's it.. I want you to start being a little  more selective, yea, I know your young but you got to start now so that by the time you get grown, you selected such good friends they have helped you grow as a persona and togeather you complement each other's life!

When choosing a friend:
pick someone who is not violent
does not steal, lie or cheat
likes adventure that is not harmful to themselves, you or others
has a future plan for themselves....dreams of being something or a goal to get a desent job that allows them to be on their own
funny, got to have a friend that knows how to laugh at themselves ...and you when your being silly or just need someone to bring you down from anger..with a laugh..
cares about you and your well being...they don't let you take the fall for them when they get in trouble, they won't allow you to do drugs or be around dangerous people places or things...they are always looking out for your best interest, not their own or using you to achieve a bad deed...

choose your friends carefully, you are judged by the company you keep and remember I told you: "if you don't make a plan, the universe will make one for you" (that means plan your goals, future, family relationships and yes, your friends!! xo Tanya

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