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May 25, 2010

The purple project youth conference and quote of the day...

Hi blog family! 

We had a great time at the National Youth Conference In Cleveland! Teens, Anyone working with foster kids - or any kids for that matter, really missed it!
 pics to follow soon!
Keynote speaker, DMC, (of legendary rap duo RUN DMC), delivered a powerful message that Even Jessus and Moses was foster kids...telling how one was put in a basket down the river and found and raised by the Egyptians and he told how  baby Jesus was also raised by someone else! 

Wow! best part was the fact that- looked who they turned out to be! 
DMC was powerful talking about how  he always questioned "his Purpose", knowing that it was not just to be "famous"!

The Hard Truth Panel spoke: Latasha C. Watts, (founder of the Purple project), Tanisha Cunningham, (founder, and me, (Tanya Cooper), all telling our personal stories, the hard truth of foster care! go to their websites to get more information!
Basically I told the kids they are the Cinderella's, {Prince & Knight & shinning armor and they need to go out into the big beautful world and write their own fairytales, with themselves, as the hero!

The workshops taught about financial responsibility and the importance of saving, how to make good food choices, "I like me", and a also included others, even workshops for foster parents and social workers! 
I cannot wait for you to read my book, "Surviving Foster care & Making it work for you,
you will see how  all three of us panelist, are on the same page when it comes to helping foster kids and creating change! 

It is important for you to share your experience and give back when you can, someone's life may be changed!
I leave you with a quote form one of America's top 100 influential people: Senator Jon Kye - "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go IF he does'nt mind who gets the credit!"

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