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June 30, 2010

What do you want to be, now, not when u grow up!

Hi blog family!! Ex- model and my baby brother!

Reminder: did you go to and vote for my video: transitional house- type in my name Tanya Cooper for the vid to come up!!!
Arizona was fun and I delivered a message that I know Arizona got: "foster kids who leave foster care without transitional housing may end up in the system via court, jail, rehabilitation, homeless or the morgue!
Why? Because when you leave, you may not be ready to go into that big world yet, some of you may.

I just winged it...I went off to Paris to model and got lucky, but many will not know how to seize the moment, that is why I go around speaking, looking for kids that were clueless like I was when I was young!

Many of you are joining gangs, thinking this is family love--NOT!! remember gangs only claim territory and colors - they don't claim your body when you get killed!!
 They claim everything YOU own but they don't sign over their claims in a will, when they die do they?? think about it-
 ganging is wack! I do understand why they are so popular,
I don't understand why they don't teach you how to better yourself and not hurt others or how to get a business that is legitimate,
that would be love,
but that is not what you get in a gang- you only get high, labeled, stupidurrrr, (yes that's my word), and dead!! ( no offense to those already in but you need to GET OUT- just change you cell, change your school, stop your FB- change to a new name that none of them knows!! 
There is always a way, and if not...still go to school, do your homework, get an education!! you have no future with gangs! ask the biggest gangters--even Gotti, LUcas-Gigante-!!
 If I can get you to think of NOW not will be ok... speaking of...
Do you know what you want to be?
Yes, I did not say when you grow up on purpose, you know why? BECAUSE YOU SHOULD BE WRITING, PLOTTING AND PLANNING WHAT YOUR FUTURE JOB AND LIFE WILL BE NOW!!!
During slavery often masters (people in charge of slaves), would tell the slaves they will get their gold when they get to heaven....NOT..your heaven is right here, right now!
If you missed my speech in Ohio- you are the cinderella's, the knight and shinning armour, the prince charming, no one will be coming to rescue you, but YOU!! Your are "IT",  you are what the world has been waiting for.
Sit down with your counselor or worker, write down your short term goals: 
what you can achieve now..
.example: you can go to school and go to class- your long term goal: to go to acting school. what would you do to get there?
start taking drama classes at school,
join the acting club,
join in any plays- all most all schools put on plays, (if yours don't = go talk to the principle), (but first get a petition, (a bunch of signitures from classmates who want to do the play to)...
be in as many plays as you can,
go to the community center,
anywhere someone is putting on a play..
then you plan to go to community college and study theathre or save all of your money from jobs in highschool and apply to a acting workshop that is known in your area- the point is start doing the little things now, for the big goal later.
You can do this, why? 
Because you are smart, loveable and the best kid around.
Beleive in you and everyone else will start!

Ok, enough,
 how is your summer so far??
OMG, because I am traveling around the country speaking to you, life is great.
 It will be a year since my brother died July 10th...
I thought I could not make it anymore BUT, I found out God made me stronger than I thought and because of kids like you, I will fight to live harder, longer and to save or change a life- help me by not only reading the blog, but tell you friends and try to encourage them to live a GOOD life a life full of events and purpose. 
Please don't forget you are so important to this world, you may be the one to save or change a life today...I know you have changed mine-
 My brother is smiling, knowing that I am healing through you!
Thanks and your are loved and special xo Tanya

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