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August 12, 2010

back to school

I hope you are having a fun summer! You know what time it is....SCHOOL TIME!!!

I know you are excited, aren't you?? lol... anywho.... I 'm just reminding you!

Are you having anxiety thinking about starting a new school or moving up a grade or because you were left behind??

No worry's!!! Stop worrying!!  start taking action!!!

1. you are too young to be anxious about anything but going outside to play and what time your curfew is!!!
ok....maybe In the real world!
 But since you are in a group home or foster home, you may have developed a worry wart attitude!! 
Take a deep breath,
think of what it is your actually scared of..(meeting new friends, failing class because work is too hard, bully's or you may feel you won't fit in, boys or girls bothering you or not liking you, no new clothes??

These are all NORMAL worrys!!! Every teen is thinking these things when they start a new school or grade! I felt the same way!
What can you do to relax??
think of the worse scenario---act it out in your head, (they tease me)....did you live? (ok, no gang stuff included--that is SERIOUS and you will need help when dealing with gangs)
 YES!!! so it canot be that bad... If someone is teasing you enough to make you sad or want to hurt yourself or others---you need to talk to the principle or your counselor or a friend!!.
If they are harrassing you in an inapropriate manner--you need to have your staff call the police and file a report--why? because bulllys will keep bullying until YOU take charge! I don't want you fighting--it's not worth it in the end and you learn to fight your way through life instead of positive solutions....

2. If you are worried about the work being too hard....GET HELP---a tutor or an older kid to help you!!!

don't feel ashamed--I needed a tutor when I was is better to get help now than NOT know how to read in college.....yes, you heard me....some high schools actually passed kids just to get them out....this cannot be you, do your work, ask for help, remember, no one is going to save the day but YOU!!!
3. fitting In...I know it is human nature to want to belong to a group or have friends...NORMAL...but you don't ever chase anyone down--and if you do "need" friends" find ones that are doing their homework, staying after for help--as extra,.. doing sports or clubs AND are not into GOSSIP!!

Stay away from chatty people who want to talk bad about others---they will talk about you too!! You can avoid it by staying away and learning to enjoy your own company...Go to the a sport, do your dont have to be up in everyones face--especially negative people!!!

while middle and high school are places to make long life friends, meet boy or girl friends--your education is 1st and don't let anyone stop that!!
4. no new clothes?? Ok i admit there were times when I did not have the latest gear but i just made due with what I had and if i got to choose---i bought new tops!!! no one cares if you wear the same jeans everyday in high school, as long as they are clean!!!
Try to save your allowance and get new tops..girls you can go walmart, top shot (NYC), forever 21, pay half, Target, charlott get the point...AND can buy a new necklace to change up or a scarf...check out the magazines and dress to YOUR style and BUdget... trust i was a runway model and clothes I know!!!  Guys you can hit target, khols, and sportwear stores!! B-ball shorts are always in, sweats, jeans and know what it is!!

Lastly start your new day with a smile on your face--you can't get new friends looking sad or crazy!! (besides, you may make someone's day!!) peace xo Tanya

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