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August 10, 2010

keeping in touch with siblings

Hi blog family!
I hope your summer is going well. Are you out exercising and NOT on FB every minute? are you reading books that will take your mind out of its comfort zone...and not on the computer ALL day long? ok enough...i just want you to be sharpening your mind! School is right around the corner and you may be weak in some areas if you don't hit them book now or visit the museum--something educational!!!

Have you been in contact with your sisters or brothers? Talk to your worker and see how you can make that happen. If they are in jail--you can write, just get a DIN # and address... if they are in the problem, get the unit they are in.
YOu can have your worker arrange phone calls for you with your siblings. Don't be scared, this is your only family!!! Remember you have to advocate for yourself in a way that will get results....not make your worker mad....SO no Yelling, crying, screaming, hitting, ignoring... you have a mouth---use it with words that are magical and can get you results!! There is no reason you cannot talk to your sibling...unless they cannot be found or on in a facility that is strict , (rehabilitation)... ask your worker but try to contact them, especially if you are older.. WHY??

1. they need to know you are ok, just like you need to know
2. your voice may comfort them and make them WANT to do the right thing because they know they have someone to look up too
3. even if your parents lost their rights, that is your blood, try to maintain a relationship...unless they hurt you in some way...then i say talk with your therapist and work out the details.

I hope you are doing what you need to do to better yourself, getting ready for school, knowing your goals, writing them down...all that!!!
I will be checking on you.
don't forget....write or call your sibling..ask your worker if they can get skype on the computer or AIM and then you can conference them...see them!!!
you can also FB your sibling...ask the agency to set up a FB account for siblings...
there is always a way....
keep searching until you get the answers you need AND don't EVER give up...
 you are loved and special.... Get your education on, the universe needs you more than ever --your job is to change the world and make it a better place but first you have to be the best you--you can only do that by educating yourself!!!
xo Tanya
ps. check out the article they did :

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