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September 27, 2010

back to school Reminder about energy, friends & negative people

Hi blog family!
I know it's been a minute but I knew you started school and you have alot of homework!
I want to remind you how to attract good friends at school and deal with negative people at school (or home) attention in science when they talk about energy!!

Remember: everything on  this made of energy
you are a ball of energy...some of us show it all the  time, some only when happy or excited.

I want you to do an experiment: (you don't have to tell anyone just do it)...

1.  go into a room extremely happy, smiling, feeling great and watch everyone in the room shift their energy....
*once in while you get a person that is just plain "low" on energy, maybe in there house there was no excited moments...that's ok, worry about you),
2.  pay attention to how people looked before you came in and after you bought in all that good positive energy...
.3.  I bet they are smiling or atleast feeling more upbeat...

this "feeling" works for anything you do in life-- so try to always "feel" good, (tell yourself every morning that you won $50 million)--hold that feeling as if you really won...that will keep your energy up!!!
When your trying to attract new people in your life that are good and is imporant that you show that trait by trying to always have a smile on your face and a good word to anyone...
positive energy attracts positive energy.....negative energy attracts.....negative!

 Stay away from anyone who is'Toxic"--mean, negative, arrogant, evil....whatever you want to call them, they complain all the time and they never have answers or solutions to a problem, they are always jelous, envy or greedy or angry----they only add by fighting, cursing, saying bad negative things, they always looking for the worse--stay away...they will DRAIN your positive energy and shift it to you will have an attitude or be mad!
Donot let ANYONE steal your postive energy--you can share it to pick someone up or make someone smile but DO NOT let someone turn your energy into negative!

You do that by always being upbeat, positive, always coming up with a good solution to a problem, not complaining, FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF or worrying but thinking the BEST thing will happen in a situation--BECAUSE YOU DEMAND THE BEST SOLUTION!!.
I hope your meeting new friends that are going places....HOW WILL I KNOW????
they are usually upbeat and happy,
they go to class,
 help you with homework questions,
 encourage you to pick your head up--EVEN WHEN THINGS LOOK BAD!!
1. if they are violent and make you mad---walk away for now breath and then address it at a calmer time.
2. if they just never agree with what the teacher wants, always smile and keep that million dollar smile ALL day !!! no one can hate on a smiling person or a happy person, just try it, if you stand your happy ground---what can they say??kill people with kindness or atleast with a smile....if it's really bad i told you get an adult to help you sove it but usually. you can do it on your own with positive attracts energy..positive always wins!!!!
ok, you had a very important lesson today, i know its alot but I have to keep reminding you about energy becaue everything you do in this life--requires energy!! If you want to be on top--even when it seems like things are bad---keep your energy up....always feel like you won $50million dollars and your going to pick up the check now!!!!
You are loved special and the universe loves and needs you--cause you are it!!!! lets get them A's and B's and if you get a still rule!!!!xo Tanya

September 16, 2010

heaped shingles

look at the pic....
it may look like a bunch of boards to you, but look closer,
each piece was used to make a great house,
shed or barn at one time.
Just like these shingles,
you must remember that you are unique and special-that you are needed to complete a mission that will help others.
Learn to appreciate the beauty in ALL things, no matter how small.
This photo was taken by Elizabeth G. --an artist with a great eye for detail! Who would have thought to see the beauty in a shingle--or wood??? Look at yourself this way--you may think because you are in foster care that you are not special--I am here to tell you --you are special with a divine purpose! Learn to accept your own inner and outer beauty and learn how to let your light shine so that like this wood, others can appreciate you and know your value- you are loved, divine and special!

have a great day at school friday and be thinking about how to have a productive, fun weekend...go to the museum, play a sport, ride a bike, take a hike, but don't sit around on facebook all day, (unless you are on google trying to see how to start your own business)...lolll
!!! xo Tanya

September 14, 2010

when someone is not responding to your needs

Hi blog family!
I know you are glad to be back at school. First- it is a great escape from group home life or a chaotic home!!
second-this is a chance to meet all types of new friends.
third-this is a chance to start over and try harder for better grades--or more stable grades and show you are serious about your schooling!!!

I wanted to talk to you about haters, negative people, nay sayers...etc.. call them what you want but it happens--there will be times when you are being kind and doing what you need to and a teacher or student just doesn't like you.
when this happens I want you to remember "this too shall pass"!!
If you find you don't like your teacher or they are always putting you on blast infront of the class or some kid is hating on you and calling you out to show off---IGNORE the student--or confront them with an adult present...

but for the mean teacher-- tell them how you think your being treated first in a nice calm voice or a letter, if that don't work---I suggest IF they are still really mean and have NO reason, (you wasn't throwing spitballs in class, talking over the teacher, making jokes, not finishing your work or not coming to class on time)...have a meeting with your guidance counselor and express how you feel, actually write a letter to the school and give it to your counselor, (this way you make a paper trail)...that is proof later, showing that you tried your best to let your teacher know how you felt or you let them know a kid was picking on you...then if something serious comes have proof that you tried to get help first BEFORE you resulted to self defense or bad behavior..(which you are never to do...I told you before you are human and you were made with a mouth to speak----use it--not your hands---ever!!! no one is worth fighting for unless you are being beat down...(that's another story of self defense but you get the point)--use your words to talk not your hands!!
once you write down what you feel or why you think the teacher is singling you out or what a kid is doing wrong to you--
have the meeting with your counselor and suggest the principle sits in, (always have someone of authority sit down with you in these talks because sometimes people misuse what you say and lie---if more than two people are there it is likely to have 3 sides of the story, yours there's and the real one!!
also see if a counselor from your group home can attend if it is serious---you need someone to advocate for you, (stand up for you).
I find that when teachers are mean, there are many reasons: 
they are ignorant--
not well traveled, 
clueless on life and how to treat others with respect because they had none in their home or
 they hate their lives or
 they are prejudice, (never been around poor people, people outside there race) or 
they just want to stroke there ego and be in control....
Do your work in class, listen---no one can deny a kid help if they are being respectful and doing there part!!
You don't care about all that!--- (the teachers issues)..
 those are his or her problems not yours--you are there to learn and if they can't teach you, you need to be put in another class that can do the job!!! Once you had a talk with teacher, then a meeting with teacher principle and no one is helping you still---time to talk to your counselor at home and have them sit have to have a team of support (counselor, therapist, another teacher etc..) they will help you show the other mean person that you are not the one to pick on!!! use your support and never stop until you get the help you need.!!! It is not what you say, but how you say it!!!
As far as kids being mean:
 If you are scared--tell someone, if it's not that scarey and you can face the kid, ask him or her oneday alone why they choose to spend there time bothering you and let them know you are here to learn and have no time for nonsense. I know it sounds corney but hey, you got to face your biggest fears sometimes head on!! I always go for the leader when I am trying to get rid of a bully, find out what there fears are or weakness find out what they like and have a one on one talk with them letting them know you are not the one and you will ignore them until they show you some respect..!! I have been your age---faced bullys, negative people, (still am at my age!!) it does not stop because your an adult it stops because you don't allow it!!! You are in charge remember??
 I don't allow bullys or negative people in my cypher..
.Life has enough challenges without you making friends with or being in a class with people who suck all of your good energy---
learn to stand up for yourself, without getting hurt or being disrespectful!! 

When people are not responding to your needs it is because you are not making yourself clear on your needs or they are disrespectful of others, therefore treating anyone anyway...not acceptable!!!

You are in charge of your life 99% (1% because you are a minor) lol.....
  you decide how you want people to treat you, give them the rules by not allowing garbage!!
No one can hurt you but you and by now you know that the universe needs you because you are a winner, a star waiting to shine!!
You can always hit me with questions--keep smiling no matter what is going on in your life--let your smile make someones day! At the end of the day---laugh, learn to laugh and blow it, (anything in life) all off, it's not that serious if you are alive!!!!!xo Tanya

September 9, 2010

break again!

Hey blog family!!
I hope you had a great couple of days back at school... I know it's new and all the new faces but consider this a challenge---to meet new friends who are brighter, less drama and have high dreams or goals!! I know I sound like a mom----I am!!!
I told you before you need to stay focused--on your A game, always being alert, ready and able to meet any challenge life throws you---and it will give you challenges!!!
You don't ever have to be scared---because you are a "challenge seeker"-- a person that always looks for new ways to grow and learn.
Remember if you stay in one place, you don't go  I am for real!!! listen enjoy your day off, i have been trying to get this book ready for you so please forgive me for not keeping up daily, when the book hits--I will have LOTS of information for you...for now, enjoy your weekend of and get ready to be on your best behavior---smile alot----listen----less talking-----learn to control your being quiet for 10 seconds when someone ticks you off....count to ten and then respond.....learn not to yell or be mean this year...we are starting fresh with a loving catch more flys with honey.....bye for now my Prince and princesses of the blog world!! YOUR ARE THE HERO...remember the theme!! Tanya

September 1, 2010

SO your feeling like...why me?

Hey blog family!
School is getting closer and I think of all of you who just came and those who were already in a group home or foster home. I will be sharing alot with you so check in, I promise you will learn something!!

I remember when I first went into foster care..a group home at 5!! how devestating, all I could think was...why me??
I am trying to get you to change your thinking so now ask yourself...why not me???
The universe chooses it's winners carefully and wisely. You cannot be a leader or of greatness... without having gone through something, what experience would you have being wrong, sad, happy, nervous, different?? You must remember even when your in a group home....the real world moves on and it moves WITH you or WITHOUT you! So if you came into care for neglect, abandonment, abuse,,it does not technically matter, what matters is HOW you will use YOUR pain to help others and heal yourself!!
Don't sit and sulk or ask why me ask what can you do to help yourself or help others learn from what you went through. YOu can help other kids in pain by sharing, (yes, take a chance, EVERYONE in that group home got a secret, so don't feel like you the only one!!) take a chance on sharing your story with someone who may also be in may have something in common with them, you may be able to help them get help or open up to a therapist or counselor, you may save their life by listening and sharing.
It is hard to put your 411 (information) on the line BUT: somebody's got to do it if you want to move forward in your life!!
Don't ever be embarrassed about what happend to you, it was never YOUR fault, take ownership that something happend to get you in a group home but NEVER let it make you want to hurt yourself or others. This is (being in a group home) another lesson we neeeded to learn and share and we were chosen because other people could not handle it or they had different lesson to learn and share!
Remember: every human on this earth has experienced some form of pain in their family, no one is perfect and you can live without your birth picking great friends and being the best you!!! You will attract all the people you need by having a winning attitude and being kind to others--even when they are not!! The universe always takes care of those that take care of themselves!!

As of today no longer ask why me? ask why not me and what can I do to help others through this... start keeping a journal of your experiences, share it with someone who loves to read or a counselor, write all your pain down and it will help you feel better once you see it on the paper--you should save it and look back months from now and see how you have grown from that pain...

you are loved and special and don't forget: the universe needs you to be the hero!!! xo Tanya