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February 26, 2010

Did u do your homework??

Hi, i hope u had a great day at school today! I enjoyed the snow and worked...
Did you do your homework today? Do you know why doing your homework and going to school is important?
Not many people will get far without an education today. In America it is standard requirement to have a diploma from high school. 
Now you need a college degree! 
You can't get either without going to school and making it to all of your classes! 
I know sometimes you meet knuckhead friends, (they are not your friends if they want you to skip out of school or do bad things that could change your life)
you cannot learn if you are not in class. 
Even if you are there and don't understand, you can always get help, especially foster kids, someone can get you a tutor if you need it. 
Don't be ashamed if your reading game is not at the top of the class, just be in the class!
I will always tell you you are the greatest and you are, but you can improve every day that you are here on this earth if you read! Reading takes you all over the world without leaving your house! You can studay other cultures, what people eat, what they like to be happy, alot of things you learn in school!
 Sometimes homework is boring, I know, but i promise if you pay attention you will learn something. 
Don't be like Those other kids that want to sit around and skip class or not do there homework, I can guarentee they will not go far in life, (unless they are Rich) and even then, no one wants to be around a dummy! 
You are going to school not for me or your social worker or your friends or family, but for YOU, because you are no dummy, in fact you are the smartest! 
If you are having a hard time in class ask your teacher for help, stay after school or ask your social worker if you could get a tutor, MAKE NO EXCUSE to why you did not do your work. 
You are setting a pattern for yourself now for later when you go to college, trade school or have your own business - NO ONE WANTS A LAZY WORKER or  FRIEND it = CONTAGIOUS, THE OTHER WORKERS MIGHT CATCH IT!! (JK...LOL)
 because the work will not get done and believe me, it's all about the work!!!
 Start now setting good habits for yourself and when you are ready to age out of the system,  you won't have to be told at work to do something because you set up good work ethics for yourself.
Doing homework helps you later be more responsible, so......
YOu are special, loved and very important to this world, don't forget it!!  you are loved!

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