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October 19, 2010

what to do when the police approach you?

Hi blog family!
I do not like writing about bad things--unless it can help you. Since most of you reading are in a group home, I am guessing you have no one to tell you this. A college football player was killed near my town a few days ago. He was parked in a fire zone--that means no parking because the fire trucks have to have access to that spot to give water--if a fire or emergency occur)...anyway the young black male saw the officer coming over to knock on the window, (which in NYC, that means move your car fast!) BUT the young man started driving off because he thought the police knock wanted him to move, (so says his friend that was a passenger in the car)..the other cop thought he was "escaping" and jumped on the hood and started shooting--killing the young man, and the man running over another officer (dahaa he was shot)...the point of this story?
You are kind of young but I know you realize alot of black men, boys are being shot, for no reason...Amado Dialo--reaching for a wallet--Rodney king--beaten, the hatian asulted by police officers...even eleanor seems to SOME cops black life has little meaning, shoot, then ask questions.....SO what can YOU do?? first-dont be angry, this is our cross to bear in this life--it may not be right but it is OUR job to teach others that we are human to and we deserve the same respect as any other human. So take away the anger--(because many things will happen as far as race as you get older BUT YOU never let others get a reaction from you and you never participate in RACISM--against ANYONE! It is the most evil thing on earth--look at what slave masters did and Hitler--literally killing, maming, raping, beating people---because of their color or religion! Read the book the LOttery... go to the library and get it for free! read night--a great book about a man who survived Oustiwitz--(hitler concentration camp)..Read Nelson Mandel's book...he was in jail over 25 years because of racism-and he came out a winner! There is no excuse to be a loser--many have survived racism and came out still with love in their hearts!

Your job is to never react with retalitaion, but carefrontationally and with thought--how can I make this person see they are wrong for picking on me ...I don't care who it is: the racist teacher, cop, student--racist are all the same, they don't want you to grow or enjoy life and they will do ANYTHING in their power to stop you, (not educate you, lie on you, call you names like the N word and tell you lies about your history--so that you are confused, lost and desperate--don't worry, none of this matters, you work on being a better you--because there will always be jerks in the world--learn how to work around them or step over them in a kind way--by ignoring them or showing them what  has made you last this long-strength, courage and wisdom!
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IF YOU ARE STOPPED BY POLICE: go ask any cop you know or trooper (for the highway)..they know better than me but if you were my son or daughter--i would say...
1. if you are walking-stop (woman cannot be searched by a male officer)- men they are only sopose to search you if they have cause, (they saw you make a deal, in a fight with a weapon)... this will not be your case..
2. hope there are witness around but if not stay calm and do as your told! no talking back, cursing, drama--do what your told, lay on the ground, against the it-your job is to get to the precint or home SAFE!
3. don't remind them but they have to read you your maranda rights IF they arrest you--if they dont--follow along until you get to the precint or home--
4. know a lawyer who can advise you on a innocent situation...i was once stopped on 60th street in NYC with my black male friend.....because he was wearing a hoody!! the cop was racist and luckily for me an attorney was present and we got to go AFTER he searched my friend..(he wanted to search me but i knew he could not and thank god, he did was clearly a bad situation for us but we stayed calm because he had the gun and the power...when you have your hand in the lions mouth, take it out slowly...." (mom proverb)..:)
5. NEVER run or drive away from a police officer-
 don't grab for your wallet until asked--even then tell them what you are doing-they may think you have a gun or knife-!!!
if you are pulled over, turn off the car
sit in your car with you hands on the steering wheel, (they can see them), do not make any sudden moves or cell calls, they will let you if they feel it's secure and no crime committed--
  No one can help you if you make sudden moves, drive off, bend like you getting something from under a seat--it does not look right and it gives them reason to shoot--they "thought" they were in danger

6. know your rights! google them! cops are less likely to walk over an educated person who has family in high places BUT you need to know what is legal when your walking or confronted by a cop--so that you donot get shot like that young man. Dont argue with a cop for any reason--even if he calls you the N word or makes you step on glass (like a cop did to my friend)...until you get your lawyer---they are always "right"-do as they say so you donot get killed.

Your life is most valable-you have to know this and treat yourself always like royalty--the world will not operate the same without you, a piece will be missing. Value your life by NOT getting into trouble, educating yourself and being an asset to this world... you are loved and needed xo Tanya

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