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December 23, 2010

holiday time

Hi blog family!

yes, holiday is here again! what does it really mean? for me, it means appreciating what the universe has given me so much, that I want to help others. This life is about service, what can you do for others. I mean those who really don't have. You may think your bad off because your in a group home but there are kids in places worse than you!
You want examples? ask the kid who still has to cop for his addict mother- because CPS never came to his door!
ask the kid living in an orphanage in china, where they believe family is everything, so what do you think that child is thinking if he/she has no one...they think they are nothing..
ask the kid in Brazil or poor parts of India (or America)...who has to be sold because the parents are so broke they have no food and live in a hut structure!

it can always be worse-never forget that-- BUT it can always get better as long as you have life!!!
I need you to start focusing on how to celebrate holidays...not with "presents" but with gifts you give to others, the gift of smile, comfort..there may be a new kid in the group home younger than you that just came in and has no family, maybe you can be a good positive role model for him/her? maybe you could stop the bully from bothering them because people do respect you! Maybe you could give  him/her a coat--because you have 3 already and you can't wear all three!!
Christmas was always sad for me, even though my foster mother tried hard and gave us nice gifts, i always felt empty without my real mom. Even now without my brother on earth I always feel that lonely...BUT you can take that feeling away or ease it by making it what you want.

When my daughter was younger we would cook a big meal, wrap up as many plates a box would fit, and go feed the homeless in Brooklyn/Manhattan....then we would have dinner because now we had something to be thankful for...that for today we feed someone a healthy safe meal!!
You are not too young to start your own holiday tradition.

Think of what you love to do that can save or change a life..(it can be as simple as shoveling the driveway of a senior citizen and NOT expecting $) (it could be smiling at a kid everyone hates, but you pay good attention to them by smiling)..(it could be you draw and you make cards for the kids who are NOT going home for holiday)...simple things that YOU can do and don't need anyone's help really...
how can it help others
do you need help?

Stop believing the hype of TV holiday ..its ok to believe in santa all that but beleieve that if it is sopose to be GOD"S birthday...(strange we get gifts on his birthday?)...then he would want you to help others on this day not see how many gifts you get.... I know its a harsh lesson but think of how you can be of service to others, then the universe will bless you with all you need!

Happy holidays, stay safe and know that you are loved the most because you are highly favored and the universe needs each and everyone of you to be full!!
smile, someone is watching xo Tanya

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