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December 16, 2010

Statitstics on foster kids

WARNING: this does NOT have to be you!!

Today there are nearly 500,000 children and youth in America's foster care system.

 As the economy has worsened, reports of abuse and neglect have increased in some areas of the country and are expected to rise. 
Of the 26,000 young people who age out of foster care each year, many end up facing life's challenges alone without the support and education they need to compete in the workplace. In this economy, they are more likely than ever to endure homelessness, poverty, compromised health, unemployment, incarceration and other adversities.

why am i showing you these statistics? Because you always need to hear the truth! You can make sure this is not you or no longer you by
Setting & Planning your goals..what do I want to do with my life, how, why, when??
2. GO to SCHOOL as long as you can! education is key to success and OPTIONS--life is all about how many options you make or have! I know people with degree's from top schools can't find work--yea but if they use their brain they can make legal money...starting their own business...etc...
3. stay away from anyone negative. avoid them at all cost--you have no time to go to jail, hospital or the morgue! You have divine purpose and need to stay focused so that you can help others like yourself one day... 
4. save any money you get, for a rainy day!! if you get $5 save 2 of that, put it away and forget about it untile you have a few thousand saved...enough to have security money to move if you needed it! There is nothing like knowing you have money when you really need it!
5. keep choosing good friends who are useful to you and you can be useful to them, like an extended family! When times are ruff, your real friends will help you out any way they can because they know you are a good person and you would do the same. value your good friends like family..
6. never give up on you! you may fall down time and time again but keep going until you get your life the way YOU want it to be; place to live, good friends, traveling, eating healthy, enjoying each day, helping others, doing what you was put here to do (help others through : painting, dance, sing, writing, counseling, teaching, whatever your purpose you have one it it is only for you! Know that the universe loves you and you are the most special person in the world! xo 
ps. don't let the economy being down, get you down, stay on your A game, stay happy even if your "broke", because you know your ploting how to get unbroke! Don't ever sit around being sad,
 think positive and do postive and positive will come -you don't ever listen to a statistic, they always change but you know who you are and where your going come! xo

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