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January 27, 2011

i wish i could syndrome

hi blog family!!

its a new day!! what are you up to?? Exams were crazy--but u  did it!!:) I am proud of you!! You are a winner!!

are you:
sitting around waiting for your dreams to happen? This can only happen if you know what it is and how to plan for it...then how to execute!

sitting around wishing you could look 50 lbs lighter...but not excersizing or changing your eating habits?

wishing you had a mate..but sitting on the couch, never going anywhere to be seen or meet new people?
wishing you were successful...but not doing anything that will manifest this success?

thinking of leaving that abusive partner, but never leave, even with support..because you don't think your worth it or no one will want you? this is a hard one because you do what you have to do to survive when you are in an abusive relationship-especially when there are kids BUT i say to you..if you can get to "my sisters place or any domestic violence shelter- go and start over..your life and your kids are worth it!! You may be able to turn this experience around by writing a journal/book and helping other woman..keep faith, and take action as soon as your spirit tells u to leave!

I had the "I wish I could" syndrome for years. It is going to keep you in the same place! You must realize your greatness and get up, get out and do something, as Macy gray use to sing! Nothing in this life is coming easy...even illnesses take some work like eating bad food, not seeing a doctor...etc... Nothing in this life good or bad, comes to you, you must go get the good you want in life!!!
If you want to change your negative kids thinking--think positive-live positive- talk positive--they will follow the leader- YOU!!
If you want a mate. get out to the museums, borders, gallery's... he/she cannot find you if you home!

if you want success. start planning what does that mean, what does it take for your goal, what do you need, who do you need for a mentor? how long..does not matter if you do not give up...

Stay focused and try new things this year, the universe is waiting for your success!! There is plenty for all of us, find out what gifts you have that will make you stand out...xo Tanya

January 23, 2011

I am 16 and in the foster care system…Turning 18 is the scariest thing that is going to happen to me

I am 16 and in the foster care system…Turning 18 is the scariest thing that is going to happen to me
this will not be you because you are:
going to school, getting the help you need, utilizing ALL resources (counselors, therapy) and staying away from drugs/drinking and negative people! In my book I talk about this not being you--remember: "You are your only hero" at the end of the day..stop blaming your mom, system etc... this is your life lesson, what are you going to do with it?? you are a super star...go claim your fame!! xo Tanya

January 17, 2011

Rememebering Dr. KIng

hi blog family!!

we salute Dr. king for all his hard work and giving his life so that we may have true freedom!! You as young people have a calling to keep this freedom going and to honor those that died for you by going to school, traveling the world to see all 'God" has made and the universe has to offer and to respect and honor one another. There is no gang that can love you like you and no one can respect you until you respect yourself--you cannot do that if you are doing dirt--selling, skipping school, fighting, being disrespecful...You must rise and let the world see our next generation is our hero's... Rise young people, rise!! I have great respect for you and i know you can do anything better than the last genereation IF you stay focused and keep your eye on the prize of life, love and happiness!!

Remembering Dr. King
 We must remember to honor our assisnated hero's with choice- choice to do right when wrong is easier
choice to love, when hatred is everywhere
choice to be educated and world traveled, not stiffled and stagnent in one place and frame of mind!
choice to not only say we are free at last, but to be thankful for those like Dr. King thankful enough to live every day with choice, honor, respect, love and wanting to help others...
Thanks Dr. King for showing  us freedom = choice these two things is what America is about! Without choice and freedom, life is very limited. Lets keep his dream alive by doing what we were called here to do and  with each of doing this -  we can be a great nation.

Tanya C

remember you are needed by this universe and God has plans for all of us, if we listen and act..xo

January 15, 2011


Hi blog family!

Change is something we all must go through if we want to live happily in this world. As each day passes another comes and with it comes change. Learn to adjust to new things: friends, situations, school, scenary...whatever. Change is good if you prepare and accept that change is good and its going to happen. Sometimes you have to be the one to make a change: your behavior, attitude, friends, living space. and that is ok. It is better if you are the one making the change but dont get mad when you have to do something different, look at it as a new challenge and welcome it! You are able to get along with anybody, anywhere anytime because you are a life changer and this is good!! smile, someone is watching you

xo Tanya

January 12, 2011

being grateful

hi, todays lesson:

what are you grateful for? YOUR LIFE!! think --write down all the good in your life, friends, family, clothes, food, education access...and think and feel are able to talk, walk, write and smile, this is alot to be grateful for... You cannot  get more from the universe until you appreciate what you have!! you are special, loved and needed by the make this world better by getting your education and finding your gifts..xo Tanya

January 10, 2011

where there is ice clean off your window

the new year is here. The snow has fallen, the ice has harbored on your windown long enough. As you watch them fall from the sun, remember this is good- natures way of cleaning what we don't need--and can be dangerous to someone walking by when the ice falls!!
 Use this metaphor for your life, its a new day, prepare for a greater future by planning, going to school, choosing good friends and finding a mentor that will lead you in the right direction...
these icyles are pretty but don't let them fool you, they will melt and fall... stay focused and prepared and plan before the universe plans for you xo Tanya

January 5, 2011

Never give up--keep on moving...

never give up! you never know what the universe has in store for you or when!

Golden-Voiced Homeless Man Captivates Internet

Posted Tue Jan 4, 2011 12:17pm PST by Daniel Kreps in Amplifier
This clip speaks for itself -- literally. The Columbus Dispatch discovered a homeless man along Ohio's I-71 claiming to have "the God-given gift of voice," and what began as your everyday viral video has exploded into a life-changing experience for one man. Yesterday morning he was a panhandler; today he's the most in-demand voice personality in the world, thanks to offers from countless radio stations, voiceover gigs and even the Cleveland Cavaliers.
His name is Ted Williams, and he's an ex-radio announcer according to the note he scrawled on a piece of cardboard that he used to solicit change from drivers. And wow, does Williams ever deliver for a dollar. Williams tells the Dispatch about his struggles, but thankfully "alcohol and drugs and a few other things" haven't diminished Williams' velvety vocal cords, and he says he's two years clean now.
"I have a god given gift of voice. I'm an ex-radio announcer who has fallen on hard times. Please! Any help will be greatfully appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Happy holidays," reads Williams' roadside sign for help.
Like Williams, the radio industry has fallen on hard times in the past decade, but given the viral power of this video, Williams was quickly approached by more than a few morning show appearances. In fact,Reddit reported that Ted was tracked down by Columbus area radio show the Morning Zoo and appeared on this morning's program, and even found time for an interview with CBS' "The Early Show":
As evidenced by Williams' new haircut, what a difference a day makes. A mere 24 hours after the video went viral, Williams says he's already been offered a bunch of employment opportunities, including one that's a Ohio citizen's dream job. "The Cleveland Cavaliers just offered me a full-time job and a house," Williams revealed. The Cavs will reportedly have to compete against MTV, the NFL and likely countless more suitors for Williams' services.
While Williams' sudden and lucky twist of fate could bring any man to tears, he gets most choked up when discussing how an invitation to do the gamut of TV shows in New York has opened the door for him to visit his 92-year-old mother in Brooklyn for the first time in years. "One of my biggest prayers that I sent out was that she would live long enough to see me rebound," Williams said. "There's so many words. I've already been compared to Susan Boyle... I'm just so happy."

January 4, 2011

what will I need to get to my greatness?

Hi blog family!
back to school.
 I know its hard..but you are doing it!! stay strong and postive.
 Have you ever wanted something so bad but you just keep NOT getting it? $, fame, cars, friends, jobs, skills, clothes, life style, career, (, judge)..talent....

I say to you ask yourself why do you want it?
Do you need it or just want it to feel great or look great or be great?
 if its the last,,go for it!.
For instance if you wanted to be popular in school...not so great UNLESS it was so you could help teach/show other unpopular kids its not so hard.
The cause of why you do it is very important because if it is a good will keep trying until the very end-even when others discourage you.
At the end of our lives you want to be remembered for the good you did or who you helped, saved or changed, not by the outfits you wore or the people you hung with or the house you lived in! When you think of wanting something so bad, ( trying to be a doctor one day or a singer or a bball player, math teacher), think of why you are doing it, is it for the love or for the fame....

keep all your dreams alive, daily by writing them down and looking at them everyday..visualization very important!
you are young but remember your never too young to leave a legacy--while your alive so do ALL things with GOOD intention and purpose-because this is what you will be remembered by!
 xo Tanya