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March 2, 2010


I hope u had a great day at school. 
I wanted to talk to you about something. 
OK WE ALL HAVE worry sometime, especially adults because they have to pay bills, make sure your safe, give you hugs and keep everything running smooth so that u don't have to worry BUT
as us foster kids know....that is not the case!
Often at our homes before foster care we had to worry about where our next meal was coming from, if mommy or daddy was "ok" from drinking too much, will they hit us, yell, scream, be mad, did we have food, clothes, will we have lights, water, will i make it through the night?
That is usually how a foster kid thinks because you are coming from a bad situation. NOW that you are in a foster home, you should have less worrying, (although I know you will, it is our nature, the only way we protected ourselves when we were not sure of what was next). In a foster home you should be able to let your guard down a little if your new parents or parent is good at partenting. You should have plenty of food, the lights should be on, their should be no screaming, (ok parents get mad sometimes if your acting up but they should not be screaming at you, if they do, what do they expect you to learn?)
If you are in a group home or if you know u will be moved again, i understand your need to worry BUT here are some things about worry i want you to understand, i wish someone would have told me...listen up...i got some of these ideas from a guy named Dale Carnige, (how to stop worrying) read the book if u can)...
1. think of what your problem is: (a bully, no stable home, no food, someone is hurting me, someone is mean to me)
2. Think of the WORST thing that can happen from that problem: the bully could beat me up, i don't have a stable home, i have no food and am hungry, someone is hurting me, everyone is mean to me).. ok if you can answer, you are still alive which = U ARE STILL STANDING =YOUR A SURVIVOR, NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR YOU TO HANDLE IF U ARE ALIVE WITH YOUR MIND!
3. even if the worst IS happening and you cannot report it for whatever reason, HOLD ONTO YOUR SANITY! REMEMBER:  if you get beat up, you may have a few bruises, maybe even broken bones, (i hope not), but you are still alive and that means you still have purpose for being here!! 
5. when you start to worry tell your mind worst senario, the worst thing that could happen, then think ok I accept that if THAT happens... u should stop worrying at that point.. if i accept that a bully MAY beat me up, talk to my teachers, principle or worker to prevent it,  their is not much you can do after you have defended yourself, so stop thinking the worse, even when it shows up, get up dust yourself off, cry, talk to someone and then GO out and enjoy life!
I want you to know many things happen to ALL people in life, but what you do after is what counts...stop worrying and start living...
I love all of you and i want you to love yourself and live life being happy, stress do your home work...xo Tanya
you can always write me without your name if you have any questions... 

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