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March 8, 2010

Teens making new friends and keeping them

Before being in care some of us had to endure our parents drug use or ill mental health.
 Often times we had to worry about who was coming to visit, if someone was going to hurt us or if we could trust that person. Often, we could not.
 Being in an unstable home causes children to grow into worrying adults who end up with OCD or ulcers. 
Life before foster care can be hard and we are blessed to have lived to tell our stories.
 In reality we never learned to foster good relationships that bring out the best in us and make us want to be open and loving to others. As a child we may have "built a wall" as a "defense mechanism, (a way to protect our selves). You learned to drop friends and mates easily because you had no choice - you had to move again!
Now you are safe and in a stable home or maybe your not, either way you need to learn to trust again. 
How do you do that?
1. Use your instinct. (when you meet someone, your gut feeling usually tells you to like or not to like, follow that feeling, its called your 6th sense and is a gift from the universe that allows you to make a decision based on that feeling.
2. be honest with yourself, is this a person i want in my life for a long time? Am I going to learn anything from this person...if not move on, if the answer is yes, take  a risk, they may be worth it!
3.take a risk! if the person is not a troublemaker and has good intentions of helping you grow as a person, why not? 
If you find out you befriended a person who is bad or did you wrong, drop them and move on to the next friend, but only because they were bad not because you are defending yourself from hurt and want to drop them before they drop you.... 
Did you do your homework today? Good if you did, get going if you did not, homework was created to keep you on your toes, if you don't do it you are only hurting yourself because you are taking the easy way out and not preparing yourself for all the work you need to do for college, there are no easy roads, hard work is a must to rise up and be the best you!! you are loved xo

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