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October 11, 2010

letting go of negative friends

hi blog family!
back to school Tuesday.....stop complaining, some kids can't afford to go to school in other countries!! You need to know you are blessed and the universe has great plans for you!

Todays topic: bad friends, negative people or people that do you wrong....LET THEM GO!!!
have you ever tried to help a friend and they seemed nice but every time you look around they throw you under the bus??
talk about you,
leave you out of things, make fun of you, (when there friends are around), and then have the nerve to ask you to sit and eat lunch with them---and you do it---only to be teased again, tormented, made fun of.....NO WORRYS!! you are too young to worry!!
Your job is to learn to identify bad toxic people--especially the one's that act nice around others and only bully you when your alone and they are with a friend...learn how to walk away! 
Don't call them, email, text, fax, IM, FB....nothing!  WHY??

1. They don't deserve your friendship! if you know you have been an honest, good person, why waste your time--some people are toxic because they have no clue!! They invite you to join them at their table, sit and eat and as soon as the food comes...they take it away....not nice...
2. NO ONE should ever yell at you, (i know sometimes parents scream on us)..but this "friend" does not have the right to yell at you--EVER! people that yell and burst with anger--run away, this is what they learned in their home or group home---if they did not get therapy--they are not gonna change and you will always be there punching bag or yelling board!
3. They chase drama trying to live their past.... remember this: some people, if they were abused physically as a child and never got the PROPER therapy---they will seek out attention and do anything to get it!! they are chasing "childhood drama"--you wll be running in circles trying to be friends with someone like this--they never see the damage they cause because they "pretend" to be your friend--while creating the drama. they usually have a hench man/woman-someone that will cosign on there  dirty mean deeds--you can live without that!
Learn to enjoy you, there will be plenty of days when you will be by yourself--learn to enjoy it and then you won't be desperate to have toxic friends:

 they say in the substance abuse field "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results"-- you know what it is because your gut tells you from day one that person or persons are not right--follow it and your life will be less stressed!
Some of the things you can do to enjoy you: start writing in your journal, take a walk , ride a bike, learn tennis, read a good book from the libray---yes, i said read, fall back on the texting and FB/IM..lastly, learn to sit quietly......listen to what the universe is telling you...

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