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November 5, 2010

how was your day

hi blog family!

i know school is going great and you are choosing good friends who are active in life, sports and have a goal in life!

 I was talking to a young man in jail-he is only 18!!! he is suppose to be going off to college, traveling the world to discover new things-not behind bars.
He admitted that he could have chosen better options-but chose to hang around knuckle heads who wanted to stand on corners and chase easy dirty paper! (chasing dirty paper only gets you 5 choices: jail,enemy's, injury (from all the gunfire)...addiction and death! Not good options for a person like you that is going places better than your parents!!!
He admitted that he use to be an A student but at some point because of his home life-he gave in to the pressures of the street. I was sad when he told me this because I can say-he is not no "criminal"- he just got caught up in the streets.
I tell you all this so that you know why you SHOULD NOT get caught up in the streets-unless you are out there promoting your new mix tape (because you rap or sing) OR unless you are feeding the homeless OR working for a runaway shelter and looking for teens who need a warm bed for the night!! Amel Laureux summed it up in her song: "The streets can't love you --please YouTube the lyrics... you were born into this cold world...(look it up:))

you are to love and respect yourself most: that means not putting drugs in your body, hurting yourself or others,  smoking cigs, having boy or girl friends who use you or treat you like garbage!
You are  here for a divine purpose-remember??
You was born for a reason and remember i always tell you my biggest lesson learned after foster care and becoming a mother: YOUR parents were only a vehicle to get you here! Some will ride us through life-others will leave or be taken instantly--you are is no accident!!
 Those of us in foster care will have other angels that will help us learn and share whatever our divine purpose help, save or change a life...
You must remember there is NO ONE like YOU!!! You are the KING and QUEEN of the universe- with that in mind---get your education, learn what makes you special and how to help others...

you do not have time for jail or any negative situation so make wise choices EVERYDAY you walk out your door!!
If you are confused on why your here -write me- i will explain and if i cannot talk to a counselor or tell them to write me, there are always answers- you just have to ask the question until you hear the answer!
I am signing off for now but know that you are loved and the universe needs you, so get your education and start finding a cure for AIDS or cancer please--peace Tanya

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