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December 1, 2010

feeing down?

Soc Le Cour (this is the top of Paris, once you climb those stairs and look down you feel like you are on top of the world--YOU ARE--everyday if you believe it!!!
hi blog family!!!
I know the holidays are among us and this is a hard time for anyone without family OR anyone who did not get the holiday love and peace they deserved as a child. THis is a time where many take their own lives or may do more drugs or high risk behavior things. 
I write to you today to encourage you to stay strong and know that YOU have divine purpose!! Yes, I say it often but i say it in truth. How do I know?
 How could you be so divine with so many problems to face in this life?? YOU are human and we are all here on this earth to experience ALL elements of this earth, love, joy, pain, excitement, family, whatever--each of us have our own map to follow. 
For you NOT to be depressed, you have to erase the word from your vocabulary...use another like..i am feeling so challenged today.
 Don't allow negative words or people in your life...even if it means being alone until you find new friends, mates or family substitutes!!

Life is hard but don't take it personal--we all go through something at sometime!!! 
The universe does not pick on one person, it has lessons, great, ugly and bad for ALL of us!! 

How you work through them or learn from them is the divine part, this will tell you how much charector you have or will have! You cannot get charector without going through something!!

 You must always believe that feeling down is only temporary--even slaves and those in the holocaust found  a second to laugh or smile at something...don't dwell on what you cannot change and if you can change it--get to work!!! 
You are needed for our future to be brighter!!:
someone would not be here without you!
 Someone would die,
or kill without you in their lives, 
 do matter most-don't forget it and spread love to someone today, 
call a friend that comforts you
When all else fails and you have no one look to the sky and tell the universe "thanks for my life, no matter where i am at" because i have life, i can always get more, do more and be more...
xo Tanya

I thank the universe for you, because you are reading my blog which means I am doing something, we all love you and know you are important to the universe!!

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