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May 29, 2010

Do you have a mentor in your life?

Hi blog family!

I have a few words for you. Hope you have a good barbecue this weekend!! Remember the soldiers who died. I donot beleive in war of any kind for any reason but we must remember those who fought out of respect.

I want you to find a mentor. A mentor is someone you can look up to and can show you how to do things the correct way...find a job, intern, eat at a fancy resterant, whatever, find someone that is doing good things, has a good job or is the best worker in their field....ask them to help you when you need guidance.
Having a mentor really makes a difference, I have a few and I am over 40! We all need advice some time in life, me included, so go find someone and try to listen to good advice....oh and stay away from that knucklhead friend that wants you to do nothing all day!!
Get out, read, write, are loved and special!
Smile, you have some little kid watching you, be a good role model please!! XO Tanya

May 27, 2010

Don't miss your chance!!

Hi blog family! ok this is the same as the adults today......
Have you ever had a chance to do one of the many things you dreamed of and one day the chance comes knocking on your door, only you: look through the peephole, saying: " who is it?? not knowing its your chance of a lifetime!
Or you look and open the door a little and even though you know you heard the knock, you only cracked it open enough to see an inch, or took too long to go to the door,

so you missed whoever was there, or worse, you  don't open it !
I really missed some good opportunity's this month, but I want you to know, if you get one chance, be ready!
When it comes to your dream..
It is important that you take the time to perfect your craft or gift.
Often while in foster care we don't have time to find out what it is.
I know I was born to talk and help others, tv has always been the vehicle I wanted to use to get to my real goal of empowering youth.

What can you do to be ready?
Read as much as you can on your subject
Stay away from anyone that thinks you cannot do what you wish!
Practice, Practice, Practice!!!
Prepare whatever you need for your field, (audition tapes, pictures, samples,..)
find out who the GO TO person is in your field, ask for advice if needed, if not model after whoever is doing it big in your field

*Most important, like Nike says: "Just DO it!!!"

If you sleep too long or don't answer the door of chance,
you may miss it,
be prepared and willing to go when called,
 this may be your chance to save, change or effect a life!!
XO Tanya

May 26, 2010

Remembering Rob...walking back in time..

Remembering Rob...walking back in time..

Tanya speaking at Cleveland University- National Youth Conference  / Rob & 2nd cuz

a few of us at National Youth Conference!

Hi Blog family!
It was a challenge day for me, a beautiful one but challenging because my brother was heavily in my heart and on my mind!
I thought of all the kids I saw at the National Youth conference and how blessed they were to have Latasha using her vision to have a conference with workshops on food, banking, self esteem etc... wow, my brother would be happy to know someone was thinking of fosterkids aging out, having options!
I was sad to know he is gone so young but I became happy when I glanced at the pictures from the national youth conference and realized, The hard truth panel, (Latasha, Tanya, Tanisha),  the judge and DMC, delivered our own stories to encourage them. 
When the kids come up and talk with you after, you know it is all worth it!
thoughts to my brother:
I miss you Rob, but alot happend; the scholorship in your name, by your friend will be in effect soon, I spoke to the kids, and someone walked away aspiring to go higher!
 Knowing this, I can make it everyday, when I am helping save, change or inspire a life, thanks Coop!
your sis Tanya

May 25, 2010

The purple project youth conference and quote of the day...

Hi blog family! 

We had a great time at the National Youth Conference In Cleveland! Teens, Anyone working with foster kids - or any kids for that matter, really missed it!
 pics to follow soon!
Keynote speaker, DMC, (of legendary rap duo RUN DMC), delivered a powerful message that Even Jessus and Moses was foster kids...telling how one was put in a basket down the river and found and raised by the Egyptians and he told how  baby Jesus was also raised by someone else! 

Wow! best part was the fact that- looked who they turned out to be! 
DMC was powerful talking about how  he always questioned "his Purpose", knowing that it was not just to be "famous"!

The Hard Truth Panel spoke: Latasha C. Watts, (founder of the Purple project), Tanisha Cunningham, (founder, and me, (Tanya Cooper), all telling our personal stories, the hard truth of foster care! go to their websites to get more information!
Basically I told the kids they are the Cinderella's, {Prince & Knight & shinning armor and they need to go out into the big beautful world and write their own fairytales, with themselves, as the hero!

The workshops taught about financial responsibility and the importance of saving, how to make good food choices, "I like me", and a also included others, even workshops for foster parents and social workers! 
I cannot wait for you to read my book, "Surviving Foster care & Making it work for you,
you will see how  all three of us panelist, are on the same page when it comes to helping foster kids and creating change! 

It is important for you to share your experience and give back when you can, someone's life may be changed!
I leave you with a quote form one of America's top 100 influential people: Senator Jon Kye - "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go IF he does'nt mind who gets the credit!"

May 19, 2010

what have you done to bring about peace of self and others?

Hey Blog family!

I hope you are back in the grove at school, doing your homework,making plans for a better future. I also want you to think about how you can help others. You are young and you need to know how helping others makes the world better and makes you better for being less selfish. Helping others also takes your problems to the back of the classroom! help out at a local food drive or get your friends old books togeather and donate them to a poor area school! help at a soup kitchen, your social worker can tell you how... google it!! Instead of getting on facebook today or googling the funniest video of the day.. go to the library and ask if you can help out or read a book about how to help others!! Be proactive, get out and give back, you will be double blessed and the angels will always look out for you!
XO Tanya

here I sit today looking out my window, i wrote a poem for you, don't tell me it's corney, its from the heart!! 
Ps. I will be away supporting the purple project this weekend, helping youth in foster care prepare to leave the system, I wish you could be there but  know i am thinking and trying to do things that will help you!


listening to the birds-slight wind, water or cars in a distant, enjoying the peaceful sounds - I am wondering how can I be a catalyst for peace? I will go out and be of service to others today, yes, that's what I will do!!

May 16, 2010

words to delete from your vocabulary....todays word depression

Hi blog family!
Hope you had a great weekend, i relaxed...and worked....

I want you to delete this word from your mind as of today: DEPRESSION
this word will follow you through foster care if you get labeled with it, so I want you to delete it from your memory and when a counselor or Dr. says that word, let them know, "I don't get depressed, I have "challenges" like all people do...
Don't let anyone put labels on you and don't give them a reason to, you are bright and strong, no one can hold you down or put a title on you, unless it is positive!
IF you are "challenged" because your just getting to a group home or someone is bothering you, talk to someone, release it, who cares what anyone thinks as long as you know you got it out!
Be willing to talk about whatever does not feel right in your will feel better and be less likely to use the D word!!

Delete the word...................De..........

thank you, xo

May 13, 2010

a few words to beat sadness and put you back in the clouds of joy!

Hi Blog family!
I hope you are ready for the weekend.
 Relax, destress by taking a a firm all things, people or saying in your life....
this picture was taken in Paris France..this is a famous church ..where if you go to the top of Paris (top of these stairs, you can see most of the city of Paris on a clear day..I felt like I was on top of the world...the stairs get very crowded and even has some criminals hanging around but overall, this is a place to feel like your on a cloud and all your worrys go away for a moment of beauty.... ANYWHO......

Just some advice:
 There are times when you try your best and no one understands or will listen, there are times when you try to be your best, but life situations gets in the way and make you fall of your cloud of joy you were I thought a poem of sorts may help pick you up...

When the going gets tuff and you think you can't keep going....keep going.
The bad cannot last forever so stick it out!
You are loved and special!
XO Tanya

May 11, 2010

why helping others is important

Hi blog family! see that face, my brother helped whenever he could even when he did not have much..this is why i called him my favorite person, always willing to help a stranger or friend in need..

help could be doing workshops, painting a picture that conveys something, smiling to make someones day or doing a National Youth conference like or helping with transitional living like Tanisha Cunningham at do what you can no matter how small as long as you find a way to help a foster kid in need..

Have you found what your gift is in life yet? its ok you are young but you can be giving back in a small way now...
with a kind word to a kid that is NOT favored
by SMILING, at every kid you see, especially young ones you see just coming in the group home,
HELPING, a new kid adjust to group home life,
READING, yes, reading, you can share what you learned with the younger kids, taking them around the world if you read ALL books...the alchemist, by pablo quelo, think and grow rich, napolean hill...the secret by rhonda byrn...yes, reading will elevate you, even when you seem stuck in one place, but don't read garbage, (gossip), read things that are true or teach you something you did not know...this way you can share with the others kids who may not be as "savay" as you...(look the word up)!!

anywho, helping others starts now, what are you doing to help, save or change a life? ask yourself that every day until you have an answer and the universe will bless you for thinking of others...helping others also takes the focus off of your issues,
you are loved and brilliant because you are a winner!

smile, some little kid is watching you and i need you to be on your best to help them through this..peace and love Tanya
ps. when are you gonna hit me with questions???

May 8, 2010

Mothers day...without mom..

Hey blog family!
Happy day to you, even if you don't have your mom or your not able to talk with her, she still birthed you. I want you to be proud to be here, you have a purpose.
The world would not be the same without you!
Tell anyone that has been like a mother figure to you Happy mother's day and if there is no one...know and reflect on the day...remember..your mother was a vehicle to get you here so that you could help, save or change a go out into the universe and shine!!
XO Tanya

May 7, 2010

how do you pick your friends?

Hi blog family, hope you are well. Today is friday, get out after school, ride your bike, walk, see a movie or get togeather with your friends and play checkers..any game that keeps your mind sharp.

I wanted to know how do you pick your friends? At this age you usually take what you can get so whoever is friendly....that's it.. I want you to start being a little  more selective, yea, I know your young but you got to start now so that by the time you get grown, you selected such good friends they have helped you grow as a persona and togeather you complement each other's life!

When choosing a friend:
pick someone who is not violent
does not steal, lie or cheat
likes adventure that is not harmful to themselves, you or others
has a future plan for themselves....dreams of being something or a goal to get a desent job that allows them to be on their own
funny, got to have a friend that knows how to laugh at themselves ...and you when your being silly or just need someone to bring you down from anger..with a laugh..
cares about you and your well being...they don't let you take the fall for them when they get in trouble, they won't allow you to do drugs or be around dangerous people places or things...they are always looking out for your best interest, not their own or using you to achieve a bad deed...

choose your friends carefully, you are judged by the company you keep and remember I told you: "if you don't make a plan, the universe will make one for you" (that means plan your goals, future, family relationships and yes, your friends!! xo Tanya

May 5, 2010


Hi blog family! hope you are at school and read this later....

are you happy? Do you really know what that is??

Happiness is: knowing you are ok today, with or without parents...

Smiling, even when things don't look like they are going right, if you have happiness, you know eventually good times will pick up!
Happiness is helping others in need, because you are content with yourself and your life, you want to help others in need..
Happiness is you knowing your future goals, having written them down, dreaming and seeing them come true everyday, you know your future is bright, so how could you not be happy, since you made a plan...
Happiness is the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes to sunlight or a noisy roomate, because you know, you was given another day, another chance at a new life!
Happiness is appreciating and loving yourself SO much, that you share with others, even when your mind says you want it for yourself...sharing is caring, caring is happiness...that you release on others..

Are you happy? 
You can be now, just start from this moment on knowing you are great and with purpose.
xo Tanya
ps. smile, someone is watching you, (like the younger kids in the group home),
be a good example to them....
you are loved and blessed to be alive, smile!!
I want you to go to the library and get the book: the alchemist by Pablo Quelo

May 3, 2010

The beginning of the week...

Hi blog family!!
hope school was good today. I know it's monday...just starting a new week. It was rainy and dreary for a while but the sun did try to shine today!!!
When you think of mondays, don't think of it as a bad day because it is the beginning, think of it as a new day to start new things!
I love mondays, everyone else is sleepy, dreading going to work, I am happy to be alive amongst the living and using my brain!
 It is not promised that you will rise each day so when you wake ANY morning and see the day of light, you should be thanking God you made another day.
 This new day, beginning of the week or any time, is time for you to make new plans on how to better yourself: be a better friend, better person, more loving, more giving, do more art, singing, dancing, reading, writing, whatever, just do and be happy you made it to another day!!
xo Tanya
ps. you are loved, special and highly favored!!!

May 1, 2010

May: A poem for you, from "someone" on the internet...

Hi blog family!
I hope you are having a great weekend, getting out for some fresh air, playing b-ball, soccer or just riding your bike or walking!
May is a time for all things planted in the winter to bloom: new flowers , tree leaves, warm fresh air, (if you don't live in a smog town)lol...loving yourself and teaching yourself new things....
school is almost over, are you PLANNING your summer?
 Let your counselor know you would like to take trips to the museum of modern art, walk or rollerblade in central park (at the 72nd street entrance).. go to the piers in manhattan, or just walk around NYC!! There is a budget for trips, ask your counselor or social worker...
Whatever you decide, DO something!!

YOu are young gifted and blessed!

Ps. Don't forget to smile, somebodys watching you!!

here is a poem someone sent me, i am sharing with you,.

May today there be peace within.
 May you trust that you are exactly where
you are meant to be. 

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are
born of faith in yourself and others.

 May you use the gifts that you have
received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. 

May you be
content with yourself just the way you are.

 Let this knowledge settle into
your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Here is a way to make a card for someone special...even for a birthday!
if you don't have a gift for mothers day and you have a mom you see OR a special male or female you see in a parent role model light,:
copy this poem,
print is out,
cut it to the exact size and
 glue it onto colorful construction paper.
You can cut the poem in a heart shape and then glue it
or you could cut out flowers you find in a magazine and glue them on...
 then write something from your heart of what that person means to you....
you got yourself a card for someone special who has helped you!!

You are loved, blessed and highly favored!! XO Tanya